How to Think in English and Stop Translating in Your Head 想说好英语就别总翻,包括学单词! 09:44 19. Easy Trick To Pronounce -TION and -SION Words 你还分不清怎么读 tion 和 sion 么?我来教你 06:24 21. British English Pronunciation - How to pronounce the X Sound 英音发音,怎么发 X ...
These words with "sion" tend to have a more specific or formal tone compared to"tion" words. One interesting thing to note is that sometimes, words with similar meanings can have either "tion" or "sion" at the end. Take "division" and "section" for instance. Both refer to parts of ...
"Sion" starts with a soft "zh" sound, like in "vision". "Tion" starts with a clear "sh" sound, like in "question". The vowel sound that follows both "sion" and "tion" is similar, resembling "un" in "run". To practice, try saying these words out loud and notice the difference...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 or -sion a suffix occurring in Latin loanwords, orig. nouns of action or state formed from verbs:relation; section; station; temp...
Add the suffix "-ion", "-sion ","tion," "-ation,or "-ition" to the words given below.Then complete the sentences with the words thus formed.compete decide express act (1)Making the to do something right now is often the first step in achieving your goals.(2)The government has ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《51 tion sion words-Track 50》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
Spelling patterns: words ending in -sion and -tionCut out these cards and sort them into two groups: words ending in -sion and words ending in -tion. Practise copying each word onto a separate sheet of paper. Ask an adult to muddle up the words and then test you on the spellings....
Similarly, theadjective "divisible" becomes the noun "division," not "divisision." Additionally, there are some words in which the "sion" suffix follows alternative conventions. For instance, "extension" and "permission" even though they do not follow the standard pattern of adding the "sion"...
Q:-er, -tion和 -or, - sion Какмнепонятьчтоикогданужноупотреблять? 的差別在哪裡? A:In words like "action" and "mansion", the -tion/-sion is pronounced the same: /ʃn/. And in words like "weather" and "visitor", the -er/-or is...
自然拼读四 Unit 18 Silent words 81 2021-09 2 自然拼读四 Unit 17 tion, sion and cian 132 2021-07 3 自然拼读四 Unit 16 tch, dge and s 60 2021-07 4 自然拼读四 Unit 15 Review 79 2021-07 5 自然拼读四 Unit 14 str, scr and squ ...