(2)还原后催化剂的表征结果 ▲Figure 1.TEM images of the reduced catalysts: (a)Ru/TiO2-500-H, (b) Ru/TiO2-600-H, (c) Ru/TiO2-700-H, and (d) Ru/TiO2-500#-H. ▲Figure 2. (a) XANES spectra; (b) Four...
研究结果表明,要获得具有纯锐钛矿单晶骨架的介孔TiO2,必须具有合适的蒸发速率和适量的酸性添加剂,以良好地配合组装和结晶过程。 Figure 2. Mesostructural regulation.TEM images and correlated structural models of the meso-TiO2-SCs obtained u...
which is disadvantageous for fabricating large-area thin films but provides excellent control of the growth condition to obtain a high-quality thin film. High-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) measurements...
图文解析 我们成功合成了具有优异的电催化氮气还原反应活性的TiO2/Ti3C2Tx纳米杂化物,其XRD图谱、SEM和TEM图像如图1所示。其中,测试狗提供了TEM(HRTEM)等表征,我们观察到了单个TiO2/Ti3C2Tx的微观形貌;HRTEM图像可以看到平均直径约40 nm的纳米颗粒,且样品具有约0.35 nm间距的清晰晶格条纹,这对应于Ti3C2Tx纳米片上锐...
The formation of silica on δ-FeOOH was confirmed by ATR analysis and the core–shell structure by TEM images. The efficiency in the separation stage of the photocatalysts from the aqueous medium was evaluated by sedimentation kinetics in the presence of a magnetic field. The results showed ...
63.2° can be ascribed to the cubic NiO crystal phase37(Supplementary Fig.2a). The anatase phase of TiO2−xwith weak and broad reflection could be observed with respect to its poor crystal structure. As seen in the TEM image (Supplementary Fig.2b–d), small NiO nanoparticles are well-dis...
The nanoparticle size and size-distribution data were obtained based on the TEM images by measuring at least 500 randomly selected nanoparticles, using an image processing program (DigitalMicrograph, version 3.11, free license, Gatan). The elementary distribution maps were carried out using the X-...
Fig. 9. TEM images: effect of LED and photocatalytic reactions on the morphology of SARS-CoV-2 virion morphology. (a) SARS-CoV-2 (Bar = 100 nm). (b) Plot of corresponding number of S proteinson single virions taken from TEM images of (a) (c) Each dot represents a value of S ...
Figure3. (a) XRD patterns of the 15wt%–Ni0.034@TiO2–MgH2and the as-milled MgH2samples, (b) TEM and (c) HRTEM images, (d) SAED diffraction pattern, (e) HAADF image and (f) EDS mapping of the 15wt%–Ni0.034@TiO2–MgH2c...
The information obtained in physisorption experiments corroborated the obtained TEM images. Specifically, the packing of observed SiO2 particles produce interstitial holes that would correspond with the maximum pore size distribution observed in N2 physisorption (6 nm, see Figure 3). The TiO2NPs, with ...