α-PbO2–type TiO2 (space group Pbcn, a thermodynamically predicted high-pressure polymorph of rutile) was synthesized by a number of investigators using shock and static compression experiments. Recently, in situ high-pressure and high-temperature studies employing the multi-anvil device and white-...
摘要 Nanosize particles of α-PbO2-type TiO2 (space group Pbcn, denoted as α) and rutile (space group P42/mnm, denoted as r... 出版源 Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung Taiwan , 2005 关键词 crystallographic relation / α-PbO_2-type...
Interpretation Detail(s):complete structure determined, Rietveld refinement, multiphase Sample Detail(s):anatase sample from, sample prepared from TiO2rutile, amounts of rutile (25 wt.%), powder (determination of cell and structural parameters) ...
Anatase nanocrystals with prominent high-energy facets, e.g. {001} and {10 l}, have been nanoengineered using fluorine-termination in hydrothermal processes11,12. Rutile has a smaller bandgap than anatase, but rutile is more challenging to produce as nanoparticles13. Rutile-anatase heterojunctions...
There are three polymorphs of TiO2 (rutile, anatase and brookite) with the anatase being the prevalent choice for photovoltaic applications as it has superior photocatalytic properties40. The crystal structure for the anatase is tetragonal with space group I4/amd and its experimental structural paramete...
TiO2 is a good semiconducting material and three naturally occurring crystalline forms of TiO2 include rutile, anatase and brookite having band gap energy of 3.0, 3.2 and 2.96 eV respectively [8], [9], [10]. Anatase and rutile have tetragonal structure with different space groups. On the ...
suchas inphotoactivedevicesandbiomaterials.highemciency solarcells,super—hardmaterials,pigment,catalystsup— port,andphotocatalyst11—41.TiO2crystallizesinsev. era1difierentforms:therutilefspacegroupP42/mn), anatase(I4/amd),brookite(Pbca),columbite(Pbcn), baddeleyite(P21/c),andcotunnitefPnma)...
During the electrochemical Li intercalation in rutile, only a thin surface layer of some few nm thickness was changed by the lithiation. The structure of this layer seems to have a similar structure compared to the Li titanate Li0.6TiO2 (space group imma). The anatase layer could be fully ...
e., their deviation from stoichiometry is accommodated by changes in space group as opposed to point defects. We show that these phases exhibit intermediate bands with an electronic quadruple donor transitions akin to interstitial Ti defect levels in rutile TiO2. Thus, the Magnéli phases behave as...
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern (Figure 2A) confirms the highly crystalline rutile phase (space group P42/mnm, JCPDS card no. 01-076-0319) of the branched m-TiO2 MCs. Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms show characteristic type IV curves with two distinguishable capillary condensation st...