In general, TiO 2 is intrinsically an n-type semiconductor but can be doped to have p-type semiconductivity. This provides a very important opportunity to fabricate all-transparent homojunction devices for light harvesting and energy storage. P-type TSOs have recently attracted tremendous interest ...
Shengwen Chan3, Yunfeng Chen3, Yuping Zeng1, Maxwell Zheng1,2, Hsin-Ping Wang1,2, Chien-Chih Chiang3 & Ali Javey1,2 The non-toxic and wide bandgap material TiO2 is explored as an n-type buffer layer on p-type Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) absorber layer for thin film sol...
The dispersion of the TiO2 nanoparticles is enhanced and TiO2/polymer hybrid nanoparticles with a distinct core shell structure have been obtained. Increased electrical conductivity was observed for the plasma treated TiO2/PEDOT:PSS nanocomposite. The improvement in nanocomposite properties is due to the...
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) under ultraviolet light produces strong oxidative effect and is utilized as photocatalytic disinfectant in biomedical field. TiO2 based photocatalysts are effective antimicrobial/antiviral agents under ambient conditions with potential to be used even in indoor environment for ...
Microstructure Control of Absorber Sb2S3 and p-Type Semiconductor CuSCN for Semiconductor-Sensitized Solar Cells (TiO2/Sb2S3/CuSCN) Semiconductor-sensitized solar cells (SSSCs) were fabricated with a planar n-type TiO2 film, an antimony sulfide (Sb2S3) thin film as the absorber, and a transp...
TiO2 is an n-type semiconductor with a wide indirect bandgap. The TiO2 structure consists of chains of twisted octahedra of TiO6, where each atom of Ti is surrounded by six oxygen atoms. Table 4 shows the three-dimensional stacking of the octahedra in rutile, anatase, and brookite. The ...
Because titania is an n-type semiconductor and copper(II) oxide is a p-type semiconductor, the formation of a heterojunction is possible, and this is extremely important in producing binary oxide materials with superior properties to those of the reference samples. Moreover, the similar ...
(TiO2) is a promising semiconductor material candidate owing to its intrinsic advantages of high chemical stability, favorable band edge positions, earth-abundant, and nontoxicity [8,9,10,11]. However, TiO2, as a large band-gap semiconductor (ca. 3.2 eV), only absorb the ultraviolet (UV...
Compared with the often studied oxygen vacancies, engineering metal vacancies in n-type undoped metal oxides is still a great challenge, and the effect of metal vacancies on the physiochemical properties is seldom reported. Here, using anatase TiO2, the most important and widely studied semiconductor...
The optical band-gap values were obtained using the Kubelka–Munk (F (R)) function in the Diffuse Reflectance data of the heat-treated samples (Fig.9) and are shown in Table6. Nb2O5is n-type semiconductor with a band-gap of about 3.4 eV51, and that was dependent on oxygen stoichiomet...