Does this mean TinyMCE can't be used without an API key from the cloud starting this year? Or is there some piece of configuration I'm missing to indicate this is self-hosted? What is the current behavior? When I use this package without an API key, I see this warning about needing ...
Somehow it makes me sad that using an npm package prompts for some api keys per default. the default version should be the free version. it costs me hours to find a solution to disable the api key. Anyway, If you have an easy solution to just use the editor without any keys and exte...
Tiny Cloud is the easiest way to integrate TinyMCE and upgrade to premium plugins. Tiny Cloud can be used without an API key. Refer to the I…
Umbraco是一个基于.NET平台的开源内容管理系统(CMS),它提供了一个可扩展的框架,用于构建和管理网站内容。在Umbraco中,tinymce是一种常用的富文本编辑器,用于编辑和格式化网页内容。 要使Umbraco中的tinymce接受HTML5标准,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确保您的Umbraco版本支持HTML5标准。Umbraco通常会随着版本的更新而支持...
In TinyMCE 4.x, mobile support was introduced bundled with a new theme and configuration settings. TinyMCE 5.0 makes this process seamless where mobile support comes out of the box without any additional configurations. The mobile theme will be automatically loaded if a user views the editor on ...
2019-12-20 14:10 − 引入TinyMCE脚本 初始化TinyMCE &l... StrongerBrother 0 633 TinyMCE常用插件 2019-12-20 17:17 − Advanced Tables 基于table插件的增强表格插件,添加了排序功能。 tinymce.init({ plugins: 'table advtable', menubar: 'table' }); Anchor 锚点插件 tinymce.init({ selecto...
Xproer-松鼠 0 408 TinyMCE入门 2019-12-20 14:10 −引入TinyMCE脚本 初始化TinyMCE &l... StrongerBrother 0 633 TinyMCE常用插件 2019-12-20 17:17 −Advanced Tables 基于table插件的增强表格插件,添加了排序功能。 tinymce.init({ plugins: 'table ...
However, while playing with v5 and specifically looking at Dialogs and Plugins, I found out a few key points: The API creates breaking changes – v4 to v5 is not a simple upgrade, and will (in most cases) require work Adding custom icons is dramatically different, now referenced using SVG...