拷贝content 样式到 public 目录 只需要拷贝一个 content.css 文件,无需拷贝整个tinymce目录,避免增大git仓库的体积。 node_modules/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/content.css public/ -- tinymce/ --- skins/ --- ui/ --- oxide/ --- content.css 下载中文翻译文件 先到官网下载中文翻译文件备用: Language Packag...
我使用Javascript函数来获取服务器上托管的HTML文件的内容,然后将内容添加到TinyMCE编辑器中。var ed = tinyMCE.get('html_editor'); // Insert the response into TinyMCE editorHide The Templates Div }, "text 浏览3提问于2012-02-17得票数 4 回答已采纳 2回答 关于TinyMCE内容CSS的问题 、、 我正在开发我...
<template> <textarea id="my-editor"></textarea> </template> import tinymce from 'tinymce'; export default { mounted() { tinymce.init({ selector: '#my-editor', setup: (editor) => { editor.on('init', () => { editor.setContent('这是要插入的内容'); }); }, });...
<template> <!-- 富文本 --> <editor v-model="content" :init="init" :disabled="disabled"></editor> </template> import axios from "axios"; import { config } from "@/utils"; import tinymce from "tinymce/tinymce"; import Editor from "@tinymce/tinymce-vue"; // import "tinymce/ic...
// table image imagetools media charmap emoticons hr pagebreak insertdatetime print preview | fullscreen | bdmap indent2em lineheight formatpainter axupimgs importword kityformula-editor', height: 650, //编辑器高度 min_height: 400, /*content_css: [ //可设置编辑区内容展示的css,谨慎使用 ...
content: { type: String, default: '' }, menubar: { // 菜单栏 type: String, default: 'file edit insert view format table' }, toolbar: { // 工具栏 type: Array, required: false, default () { return [] } }, height: {
content: { type: String, default: '' }, menubar: { // 菜单栏 type: String, default: 'file edit insert view format table' }, toolbar: { // 工具栏 type: Array, required: false, default () { return [] } }, height: {
Good afternoon, I will explain the problem in details. I'm connecting the TinyMCE editor version4.6.4to my site. It has plugins in the Media plugin through which you can insert media files into the editor. Thus, I add video to the editor. Actually, you can add a video in different wa...
Zero width no-break space (U+FEFF) characters are removed from content passed to setContent, insertContent, and resetContent APIs. #TINY-10305 Zero width no-break space (U+FEFF) characters in initial content are not loaded into the editor upon initialization. #TINY-10305 Fixed Specific HTML ...