Softorino develops powerful, user-friendly apps for Mac and Windows. From media management to file transfers, explore tools that make your life easier.
Finally, watch out for hidden fees or any other fine print that may be buried in terms of service. A legitimate web hosting company should make its prices clear before you sign up, and they shouldn’t surprise you with additional costs down the line. Read all the fine print before committ...
Use the toon layer by itself for limited colour 'poster print' effects. Toon Boom Harmony Premium 20.0.0 Download 8Toon Boom Animation Inc.359Shareware Toon Boom Harmony Premium is an easy-to-use animation utility for studios. Non-reviewed ...
Please, seecounter-goexample for more details about how to bind Go controllers to the web UI. Debugging and development tips If terminal output is unavailable (e.g. if you launch app bundle on MacOS or GUI app on Windows) you may usewebview.Debug()andwebview.Debugf()to print logs. On...
Here's an example Hello World program. For more information, just readtigr.hto see the APIs available. #include"tigr.h"intmain(intargc,char*argv[]) {Tigr*screen=tigrWindow(320,240,"Hello",0);while(!tigrClosed(screen)) {tigrClear(screen,tigrRGB(0x80,0x90,0xa0));tigrPrint(screen,tfon...
Being an OLD guy I can’t remember if it was required, but since the whole Idea is to have a small footprint OS I thought it best to start out fresh and deleted all existing partitions from the drive before booting from the install media. That said, Formatting a drive w...
The size of a Tauri app can be less than 600 KB. Memory The footprint of a Tauri app is less than half the size of an Electron app. Licence Relicensing is possible with Tauri, but not with Electron. Electron ships with Chromium right out of the box. However, Chromium includes a digi...
- CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+X shortkey now bring all windows in front, not only window 1.Done - CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+X keep focus on your front application.Done - Double-click on DiskSpace fields in horizontal window to explore the disk.Done - PrintScreen-to-File "Destination folder" button in general ...
If is difficult to believe thatWindows 11can be squeezed even smaller thanTiny11. However, developerNTDEVtook it down another level by stripping the operating system to its text-only mode. The result is an install ISO size in...
and more while retaining its ultra-small footprint. These additional features can be installed as options with Tiny11 to keep its footprint small. For instance, if you want to install Copilot, you need to install Microsoft Edge first — which comes in the full-blown version...