If you see little green worms hanging from your trees, they’re probably oak leafrollers (Archips semiferanus) or oak leaftiers (Croesia semipurpurana).Also familiarly called inchworms, these tiny light green caterpillars range in length from 1/4 inch to 1 inc...
THERE was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but she could not obtain her wish. At last she went
- far away, over the mountains, into warmer countries, where the sun shines more brightly- than here; where it is always summer, and the flowers bloom in greater beauty. Fly now with me, dear little Tiny; you saved my life when I lay frozen...
Tiny had to turn the spindle, and the field-mouse hired four spiders, who were to weave day and night. Every evening the mole visited her, and was continually speaking of the time when the summer would be over. Then he would keep his wedding-day with Tiny; but now the heat of the ...
The ivy has been here a little less than a week. No sign of any more uninvited guests. It even has some new green shoots! Sunlight is virtually non-existant – it’s rained for 8 or 9 days here. The new growth is a little pale – might be normal but, hopefully, it’s not due...
It took little or no effort to have the entire side of the container ripple in the wind once just one window panel was cut. We knew that we couldn’t move the containers again or place them until we had reinforced the containers with our window design. We had A LOT of work to do ...
“I mean, you see it with Americans all the time, so I assume with Australians too… when people have travelled, they’ve seen the world. Experienced a different culture. Opened themselves up to what’s out there, even if it’s just a little bit. To go home to people stuck in their...