At 970 square feet, this quaint cottage is certainly on the larger side of the tiny house movement, but this little home has plenty of small-space design ideas. Built in 1890, the charming Redlands, California, property was originally the gardener's residence on a large estate. ...
Our shipping containers are structurally much stronger than a stick built home, for obvious reasons, and so we were able to use 2 x 4 material instead of standard 2 x 6 material to frame our home. We were building our home to code and it was fully permitted. Our framed wood walls were...
Aredoubtis a fortification — usually earth-formed — from which the soldiers would have been able to see and defend themselves from ships to the west. This redoubt was built under the supervision of Henry Martyn Robert, an officer who served as Engineer of the Army’s Division of the Pacif...