Cameos: *Buster (*Still image of face and head shown only) "Class Cut-Up" -- Hamton can't bring himself to dissect his frog... who jumps out and starts singing when no one else is around. A "tribute" to "One Froggy Evening". Intro: Shirley, Hamton Starring: Hamton, Michigan J...
BoygeyMario·8/23/2023 Copy Link I love how the Beauty & the Beast skit managed to give Gaston a "Solosis face", depict Belle eating pizza, & ended with Prince Adam in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure art style all in one!
“There are plenty of beautifully crafted wine glasses out there, truly some are works of art,” he says. But “for smaller places, run on Brooklyn margins, I try and find the best balance of function, aesthetic and price.” More Glassware Coverage Is expensive glassware worth it? Wine ...
Frog Eyes can be nothing but indie rock, as tacking on further descriptors rarely illuminates much about their wide-eyed, feelings-spew visions. Never a patient band, Frog Eyes this time made a remarkably measured and slow-burning album, the group’s previous eruptions eased into a constantly ...
fb: Looking for more information?Check the projectFAQ Let us knowif you think this campaign containsprohibited content. Continue Reading Choose your Perk Thank You! $25 USD Special thanks in the series credits + Shout out on our social media pages...
Trap Tuesday: A step back-I will get back to Tomb of Horrors soon. I found a topic that was interesting enough to take a break. While interacting in a 5E group on Facebook I talked ... 5 years ago Goblin Stomper Let's Talk About Pacing!-The idea, I think, is that the RPG is...
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Good Monday morning to ya! (Well. It’s Monday morning as I type this. I have no idea when you will read it.) I’ve got a post full of random things for you today. It’s like a collection of tiny blog posts. 😉 The bookshelf is in Sonia’s...
You can really get into what you are building, so there’s a sense of freedom in that the game isn’t completely in your face with tasks or goals… while all this is still wrapped in a world that you play through. It’s a great example of a type of interaction (build something ...
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I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but I certainly wasn’t ready to face the cold again, so I wandered in to find the bar and order a drink. It turned out that there was one patron at Snicks Place – the bartender and his friend were having a casual chat across the bar, ...