Tinnitus treatment information including sound therapy based on 15 years of tinnitus clinical experience.
well, a bit like you are making this stuff up... like you have nothing better to do than waste your time and money talking about this sound from nowhere that is starting to drive you crazy! So, let's settle this.You are not crazy.If you want to know the details about how this is...
Taking tinnitus podcasts to the next level! We talk about treatments, research for a tinnitus cure, patient success stories and much more! Give us a listen.
Sadly there is no proven cure for tinnitus, but the American Tinnitus Association acknowledges that treatment options that provide tinnitus relief do exist. Our tinnitus technology solutions cover two of those treatment options — hearing aids and sound therapy — and are clinically proven to soothe ...
If you're trying to cure ringing ears (otherwise known as tinnitus)... you're probably experiencing hissing, buzzing, roaring, humming, clicking, or whistling
I battled tinnitus and poor ear health for many years and had tried all sorts of treatments all of which left me feeling just more frustrated. My wife found the tinnitus retrain program online and requested that I give it a go. I must admit it did sound different, but I was still hesit...
“The idea that one day, researchers might be able to bring back the missing sound to the brain and, perhaps, reduce its hyperactivity in conjunction with retraining, definitely brings the hope of a cure closer to reality,” Maison added. ...
Have you ever questioned if it is possible to control our responses to certain noises? Perhaps you have made a sound which has created an extreme reaction in a loved one and wondered why? For people with Misophonia, it can feel completely... ...
My tinnitus is not caused by sound. After considerable further investigation, we worked out that it had been caused by stress. Stress that, in my case, had been so prolonged over the years that it has caused the brain to develop tinnitus. Now, even when I’m not feeling noticeably ...
Background noise often drowns out tinnitus, and many external sources will work. YouTubehas many sound-generating videosthat can help cancel out the uncomfortable sound, andsome of these have black screensthat will run all night.Free smartphone appsare available; for some people,air conditioners,...