Tinnitus, also known as Ringing in the Ear, is one of the most common hearing conditions caused by an inner ear damage or impairment. Learn more with Amplifon.
Tinnitus is an abnormal sensation in one or both ears that is often described as clicking, buzzing, swishing, or ringing. Learn about causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is the sensation of a prolonged noise that you "hear" in your ear and often associated with hearing loss. Learn about tinnitus relief options here.
Tinnitus (pronounced ti-NIGH-tus), orringing in the ears, is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds. You may hear the noise all the time, or it may come and go, and it can vary in loudness. It may be in one ear or both. It's o...
Tinnitus has been described as ringing, buzzing, clicking or hissing, among others, in your ears that only you experience. The type and intensity of noise varies from person to person and you may even experience it in different ways. It can be a high-pitched, deep, low-pitched, or even...
Take control of ear ringing with the MindEar App, using clinically proven techniques. Tinnitus treatment includes Sound Therapy, CBT & more. Download today!
How does ringing in ears affect sleep? Insomnia has been linked to tinnitus, and is known to make it worse. The negative effects of insomnia can lower people’s tolerance to the condition. Conversely, treating insomnia can increase people’s tolerance to that ringing in their ears. ...
It is believed that tinnitus is amplified spontaneous neural activity, resulting in a "ringing in the brain". Tinnitus can have many causes including: Hearing loss - approximately 4 in 5 people with tinnitus also experience some level of hearing loss Physical blockages, such as ear wax, that...
Tinnitus, or ringing in ears, affects 40% of combat vets and can interfere with sleep and work. Treatments today are costly. With Dept. of Defense funds, Draper Laboratory has created a device that, when inserted near the inner ear membrane, slowly releases medicine. The lab plans to ...
"There's something called 'tinnitus retraining therapy.' There are more ear-level masking devices where you can hear sounds throughout the day, too, that are more distracting." If ringing in your ears bothers you, start by seeing yourhealth care providerfor a hearing test....