通过如同现实世界工具制作一样的步骤,玩家能够组合不同的部件,搭配出各种绚丽多彩,功能强大的工具与武器 4:支持版本:1.20.60+ 5:更新时间:2024年2月26日 6:模组下载: [Addon下载直链]:https://wwf.lanzout.com/b0147luhg [录视频展示地图]:https://www.123pan.com/s/iui0Vv-xESph.html 7:模组原贴(...
https://youtu.be/ydtrp6FNjDU 模组名:1.19匠魂Addon V1.5(20220603) 作者:Stratospheer 模组类型:功能拓展类 支持版本:1.18.X~1.19.X 模组下载 直链:http://8d1.cn/9vCSK 模组官网:无 原贴:https://mcpedl.com/tinkers-construct-bedrock-edition/ 更多好玩的模组资源,以及Boat等资源请加入Minecraft资源共...
Tinkers' Things is an addon for Tinkers' Construct that contains no Java code (if you do not believe me, check the GitHub source). This is made possible through the mod Json Things, which allows you do add custom items, fluids, blocks, creative tabs, and harvest tiers through JSON files...
Tinkers' Things is an addon for Tinkers' Construct that contains no Java code (if you do not believe me, check the GitHub source). This is made possible through the mod Json Things, which allows you do add custom items, fluids, blocks, creative tabs, and harvest tiers through JSON files...
This is an Addon for the Minecraft mods Tinkers' Construct and GregTech. It is entirely made for fun, and nothing else. What does it do? The mod adds tool parts for every GregTech material that is valid as a GregTech tool. That means, if you can make a GregTech tool out of a ma...
Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:tinkers-construct-74072:4353951") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3rd party sharing Learn more about Curse Maven Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Hotfix Fix one more case of extra NBT. Just ...
Comments This mod adds a type of Armor to Tinkers Construct that can be made from any and all materials. To get started you will need the Tinkers Tailor manual book, which can be gotten once automatically when crafting a tool station, or by crafting a regular TCon manual together with a ...
1. "Tinker's Construct addon" folder copy / move at "games / com.mojang / FactorizationAddons". If this folder contains a "unique-ids.txt" file, be sure to remove it! 2. Remove the old texture ofFactorization mod (download)and install the texture from the archive. ...
我的世界模组测评6:手机版三款匠魂模组,究竟哪一款更还原? 渣机在13区块全高画质下下丝滑60帧!简介有说明 我的世界基岩版Boss拓展市场包附下载 手机国际基岩版如何导入模组(addon)?两分钟教会你(新手必看) 手机版准星大神TaichiMaster露手教你暴打对面
通过如同现实世界工具制作一样的步骤,玩家能够组合不同的部件,搭配出各种绚丽多彩,功能强大的工具与武器 4:支持版本:1.20.60+ 5:更新时间:2024年2月26日 6:模组下载: [Addon下载直链]:https://wwf.lanzout.com/b0147luhg [录视频展示地图]:https://www.123pan.com/s/iui0Vv-xESph.html 7:模组原贴(...