The executive section provides information on Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization.
Tingyi的基本每股收益复合年均增长率(10年)无意义。在计算变动时,我们检测到最新值是负值,导致计算已无意义。. 查看Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.的基本每股收益复合年均增长率(10年)趋势、图表等
英属开曼群岛商顶益控股有限公司台湾分公司(TINGYI (CAYMAN ISLANDS) HOLDING CORP. TAIWAN BRANCH (B.W.I.)) 地址: 彰化县永靖乡永靖街60号2楼 邮政编码: 512 负责人: 魏应交 最新推薦: 台灣公司資信報告 联系方式 电话: 04-8221166 传真: 04-8232210 ...
TCYMF Real-Time Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. (TCYMF) Real-Time 此数据当前不可用 投资者可以进行盘前(美国东部时间上午 4:00 - 9:30) 和盘后(美国东部时间下午 4:00 - 8:00) 交易。做市商和 ECN 严格自愿参与,因此,这些时段的流动性和价格会比较低。在这种环境下,股票价格也可能波动更...
Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp is a Hong Kong company, its business is about Beverage;Fruit Cordial & Juice;Instant Food;Noodle - Instant 基本信息 Enterprise Information (企業資料): Company Name (公司名稱): Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp Buy Data (購買報告): Buy Tingyi (Cayman ...
以下为Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.每股净营运资本净额(NNWC)数据要点 表现汇总 Tingyi上季度的 每股净营运资本净额(nnwc)为-0.54。 Декабрь 2019至2023的财年Tingyi的每股净营运资本净额(nnwc)为 -0.41 Декабрь 2019至 2023的财年,Tingyi的每股净营运资本净额(nnwc)中值为-0.42。
Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. operates as an investment holding company. It operates through the following business segments: Instant Noodles, Beverages, and Others. The others segment includes investment holding, properties investment for rental purpose, logistics and supportive functions. The...
Download Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. TDR stock data: historical 910322 stock prices from MarketWatch.
WEBSITE PREVIEW LOAD TIME 1.3 seconds CONTACTS AT TINGYI.COM TingYi(Cayman Islands) Holding Corp. HARB●●●ROAD WA●●AI , 1115 HONGKONG CN 1.99●●●9999 1.99●●●9999 JS●●●@TINGHSIN.COM.CN null Yue, Rosie NO.15,3RD AVE●●●TIANJIN.CHINA n●l , null, null CN 1.862...
TCYMF TINGYI(CAYMAN ISLANDS)HLDG CORP 添加自选 1.560 0.0000.00% 延时15分钟行情收盘价 02/25 15:15 (美东) 87.90亿总市值19.02市盈率TTM 0.000最高价0.000最低价0股成交量0.000今开1.560昨收0.00成交额0.00%换手率20.53市盈率(静)56.34亿总股本1.56052周最高5.11市净率87.90亿流通值1.09952周最低0.04股息TTM...