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tin compounds/ superconductivitySnSehigh-pressure superconducting modificationCsCl structure58 GPa4.5 K/ A7460M Material effects on T c , K, critical currents in type-II superconductors A6160 Crystal structure of specific inorganic compounds A7470Y Other superconducting materials A7410 Superconducting ...
technique to 45 GPa High pressure melting curve of tin measured using an internal resistive heating technique to 45 GPaHigh pressure melting curve of tin measured using an internal resistive heating technique to 45 GPaThe high pressure melting curve of tin was measured to 45 GPa using a designer...
The present work was undertaken in order to investigate possible structural phase transformations in TiC, TiN and TiO in the pressure range up to 65 GPa (=650 kbar). (orig.)doi:10.1002/chin.199044005Noerlund Christensen, AGerward, L
A Study of the Structural Stability of TiC, TiN and TiO in the Pressure Range up to 65 GPa Using Synchroton Radiationstructure (solids and liquids... A Noerlund Christensen,L Gerward,J Staun Olsen,... - 《Cheminform》 被引量: 1发表: 1990年 A Novel Organometallic Synthesis of Highly Lu...