Guestover a year ago I have had a slight to sometimes severe pain in my left shoulder for a while now...this morning I woke up and the fingers on the same side as that shoulder are tingling and have a slight loss of sensation. It's only my thumb index and middle ring...
For the past couple days I've been experiencing a cold tingling sensation from my right shoulder, right down to, and including my hand, as well as my armpit and the outside portion of my right breast. I do have Raynaud's Syndrome, and am used to having cold hands, but this is very...
One sign is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the affected body part (the shoulder and⁄or the arm, for example) that develops into persistent pain and a tingling sensation. አንዱ ምልክት በተጎዳው የአካል ክፍል ላይ (ትከሻ እ...
I've had a similar sensation periodically. Never lasted more than a few days and never amounted to anything in my case. On a somewhat related note, I've recently been able to focus and maintain my mind of intent at the very crown of my head much more consistently while practicing the f...
Numbnessmeans decreased or absent sensation in the skin; the medical terms arehypoesthesiaandanesthesia. Tinglingmeans weird feeling often described as “pins and needles” or “ants crawling;” the medical term isparaesthesia. Some people use the terms numbness and tingling interchangeably. ...
In the early stages of an irritated nerve in the neck, the skin becomes hypersensitive; meaning increased prickling when tested with the pinwheel. Should you just rub your arm it will have an irritating sensation; but the longer you ignore the tingling, the feeling in your fingers will lessen...
Numbnessis decreased sensory perception or sometimes no sensation in a part of the body.Tinglingcan refer to any unusual skin sensation as it is subjective but typically refers to an electric shock type of sensation. In this article, numbness and tingling in the arm, shoulder, hand or fingers...
Hands shaking, couldn’t type the keyboard of computer, just could using three fingers. There was still heavy sensation in chest/breathing difficulty, couldn’t breath deeply. Basically patient’s muscle force: 4. Tendon Reflex (+-); Treatments: Acupuncture and Chinese herbal tea. No.2 visit...
especially at night. Not so much a piano playing problem for me, though distance to the keys can make some difference. I'm not a doctor but if you are reaching too far forward or if you are tensing the shoulder muscles for that matter and have any neck problem to begin with, I coul...
Shoulder injury A shoulder injury (also known as a brachial plexus injury) can happen due to pressure, stress, extreme stretching, and other reasons. It can result in a loss of sensation in your arm or hand. Multiple sclerosis Many people with multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system dise...