I have had this problem now going on a year and my doctor keeps running test after test with no results. I have arthritis in my neck for about 3 years now but this last year my right shoulderblade burns something awful and is inflamed a lot. Then it started going down my arm and my...
I have tingling sensation in my right arm and over the shoulder to the upper part of back. My neck is little sensitive and it hurts when I try to stretch. I‘ve been feeling like this for almost a week now. I don’t know what to do. Should I just keep calm of this requires med...
In the early stages of an irritated nerve in the neck, the skin becomes hypersensitive; meaning increased prickling when tested with the pinwheel. Should you just rub your arm it will have an irritating sensation; but the longer you ignore the tingling, the feeling in your fingers will lessen...
Fan for neuropathy in my neck, shoulder, and arm. I have a bone spur in my neck that was causing a lot of severe burning pain and sensation discomfort. After 12 sessions (acupuncture), the burning sensation is barely there, the first few times the pain level was up and down, but the...
Pain or numbness my radiate to the jaw, left shoulder, arm or hand. Dizziness, sweating, nausea and shortness of breath. Vasculitis Head tingling and numbness can result from an impaired blood supply to the nerves caused by nflammation of small to medium sized arteries. This is a condition...
SUDDEN NUMBNESS ON ONE SIDE OF THE BODYcan be fromstroke.Numbness in the left or right arm associated withCHEST PAINcan be fromheart disease(angina pectoris, heart attack). One or more fingertips hasQUICKLYbecomeRED, very painful and numb.This can be abacterial infection of the fingertip (fel...
my brest is tender when i touch it...i also have been told i have a torn rotor cuff...could the pain in my shoulder cause me to have pain in my breast also along with pain in my arm and hand? Reply boxer-dempsey over a year...
Shoulder injury A shoulder injury (also known as a brachial plexus injury) can happen due to pressure, stress, extreme stretching, and other reasons. It can result in a loss of sensation in your arm or hand. Multiple sclerosis Many people with multiple sclerosis, a central nervous system dise...
@umbra21 - That's interesting to know. My aunt is always terrified that she's about to have a heart attack because she gets a tingle in her left arm, but she also carries around a huge bag everywhere, and I think the strap cuts into her shoulder. ...
Most of the time feels like there is a "bone" sticking out or hitting something. I also have pain in my middle back, scapula, and over to the rib by my right arm pit. I swear my shoulder is out of placement and the scapula is hitting a rib. All I hear is "it's complicated"....