Guestover a year ago I have had a slight to sometimes severe pain in my left shoulder for a while now...this morning I woke up and the fingers on the same side as that shoulder are tingling and have a slight loss of sensation. It's only my thumb index and middle ring...
tingling, burning, numbness in hand and fingers. by: Anonymous Diane, I found your problem being the same with me. I am seeing a chiropractor 2x a week for about 6 months now. It has helped me with my neck injuries, but the hands, fingers and far arm pain, tingling and burning, swe...
I had a surgical fusion of C5, 6 and 7 in August of 1997. Recovery went well and relief of pain was immediate. It is now eleven years later and I am having neck and shoulder pain that is almost constant. Does anyone have information on the prognosis of this surgery after ten or more...
If the irritation of the nerve root as it emerges from the intervertebral foramen affects the motor component, then you will be prone to tennis elbow, or weakened biceps and deltoid muscles, for example; that means shoulder pain. The biceps reflex is used as a test of the integrity of the...
Pain or numbness my radiate to the jaw, left shoulder, arm or hand. Dizziness, sweating, nausea and shortness of breath. Vasculitis Head tingling and numbness can result from an impaired blood supply to the nerves caused by nflammation of small to medium sized arteries. This is a condition...
SUDDEN NUMBNESS ON ONE SIDE OF THE BODYcan be fromstroke.Numbness in the left or right arm associated withCHEST PAINcan be fromheart disease(angina pectoris, heart attack). One or more fingertips hasQUICKLYbecomeRED, very painful and numb.This can be abacterial infection of the fingertip (fel...
Muscle wasting at the base of the thumb, numbness, feeling of pins and needles, or pain in the shoulder, armpit, arm or hand (when nerves are compressed). Pale, cool arm with weakened arterial pulse in the arm, numbness and pain (when vessels are compressed). ...
Fan for neuropathy in my neck, shoulder, and arm. I have a bone spur in my neck that was causing a lot of severe burning pain and sensation discomfort. After 12 sessions (acupuncture), the burning sensation is barely there, the first few times the pain level was up and down, but the...
My daughter had to have surgery for tingling in her left forearm and hand from disk trouble in her neck. They had to open up the passage where the nerves exit her spinal column by caging two disks to afford more room for the nerves.. She lost minimal motion in her neck. Still gets ...
Trapped nerves at the neck, shoulder, around the elbow, the forearm, and even wrist, can affect the hand. This pain can be either short or long in duration depending on the problem causing the pain. Some common reasons for short lived pins and needles can be as simple as leaning on ...