tingling and other symptoms often first develop in both feet, then go up the legs, and subsequently affect both hands and go up the arms. About two-thirds of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nerve damage. In many cases, these symptoms...
When this hormone is thrown off balance during menopause, it can affect the nervous system, producing symptoms like tingling extremities. While estrogen fluctuations are a prime cause of tingling extremities during menopause, other medical conditions can trigger tingling in the hands, feet, arms, and...
Causes Of Burning Sensation In The Head, Neck And Arms A Tingling Or Prickling Sensation (Pins And Needles) In Any Area Or All Over Body How to Manage Symptoms of Numbness or Tingling (Allodynia) in Multiple Sclerosis Warm Or Burning Sensation In Foot - What Could It Be? View more...
Your symptoms are suggestive of peripheral neuropathy, where the nerves of hands and feet are affec...
Tingling in arms and hands explains why neurological symptoms should be attended to with greater concern. Paresthesias It is a hard decision; when must you rush off to the doctor or chiropractor, and when can you safely see if this too won't pass of itself? Inner wisdom is needed. When...
If you raise your hands above your head as in hanging the washing, does it bring on the symptoms? If you're in the middle of an attack, and you raise your arms, does it have any effect? Lessen or increase the burning? Adson's test can be done in about two minutes, but unless on...
These sensations can be experienced all over the body, but they are most common in the extremities, i.e., the arms, legs, hands, and feet. However, some women report feeling these symptoms in other body parts, such as the face and neck. Paresthesia is a condition commonly caused by ...
If you ever get a weird tingling, crawling, numbness, or itching in your extremities – hands, feet, arms, legs – it might just be menopause.
Caused by various microorganisms, infections can spread to affect peripheral nerves and bring up symptoms such as painful tingling in the feet, legs, arms, and hands. They include Lyme disease, shingles, or Epstein-Barr virus. Hormonal Imbalance ...
Occasional rash on arms, burning in creases of toes. Have had all STD tests (chlamydia, ghonorea, syphillis, HIV, Hep, etc) and everything comes back negative. Have been treated with doxycyclene - no effect. Symptoms going on 4 months now. Some advice please! Reply ...