where the nerves of hands and feet are affected. Since this is acute onset and rapidly progressin...
Within the Danish NUDATA study, vibratory sensory testing with monitoring of the digital vibration threshold at seven frequencies on the second and fifth fingers of both hands was performed on 20 cases with unilateral tingling/numbness in the hands and fingers, and 20 gender- and age-matched contr...
Arm Numbness, Tingling Hands and Fingers Like any part of the body, tingling or numbness in the arm can occur for several different reasons. It happens to all of us at some time or the other. Most of the time this numbness or tingling is temporary and will resolve after a short period ...
Raynaud’s disease can be excruciating, and some people also notice their fingers swelling and turning white or blue during an episode. Experts aren’t sure what causes this condition, but they do know women are more likely to have it. Cold temperatures, stress, injuries to the hands, tissue...
Dear Dr. Donohue: I am 70 and take no medication. I have no known illnesses. I own a business and work at it. Lately, my hands and fingers go to sleep - sometimes when I am sitting and reading, also during the night. Your opinion would be appreciated.Dr. Paul Donohue...
This numb and tingling feeling can affect the skin or muscles in your arms, hands, fingers, toes, legs, feet, head, face, stomach, mouth, tongue, lips, or anywhere on or in the body. This numb and tingling feeling can only affect one area, shift and affect another area or area, and...
Raynaud's disease causes decreased blood flow to your fingers, toes, and other body areas. Raynaud's disease occurs if your blood vessels narrowwhen you are coldor stressed. Narrowed blood vessels prevent blood from getting to your skin's surface. As a result, the affected skin areas may ap...
Classically you may have pain in the lower arm andtingling in fingers one and two, the thumb and forefinger. In more serious cases the tingling is associated with a deep, numbing ache in arm, often worse at night. Tip:Try sleeping with your hand under your head, or under the pillow. ...
Hand numbness usually starts gradually and gets worse over time, but it can also start suddenly. It may be temporary or chronic, or it could go away and come back. When to worry about numbness and tingling in hands and fingers Sudden hand or finger numbness can be a sign of an emergency...
Yes, my thought as well, my neck got tweaked in a car accident and I get tingling in my fingers , especially at night. Not so much a piano playing problem for me, though distance to the keys can make some difference. I'm not a doctor but if you are reaching too far forward or ...