Tingling lips, a feeling of “pins and needles” in your lips, can have a number of causes, including chapped lips, allergic reactions to food or facial products, and cold sores. Tingling lips can also be caused bynerve damage from extreme heat or cold or from toxic substances. Can dehydr...
Its effects on the nervous system include weakness, paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet. 它对神经系统的影响包括虚弱、麻痹和手脚的略微刺痛感。 3. V-I If you tingle with a feeling such as excitement, you feel it very strongly. 强烈感到 例: She tingled with excitement. ...
1.a feeling in part of your body when it stings slightly 2.a small amount of a particular strong feeling v. 1.if a part of your body tingles, it stings slightly, for example because it is very cold or very hot 2.if you tingle with a particular feeling, you feel it very strongly ...
By the timeThe Chamanasstarted playing, the house was filling up fast. People were well lubricated, and cans of PBR could be seen in hands throughout the rapidly-growing crowd. While they were enjoying their beverages, The Chamanas treated them to a soothing mix of several of their distinctly...
increased body temperature tingling dizziness cough difficulty in breathing which may be extreme vomiting diarrhoea swelling of the face or neck hives itching hair loss cold sweat, heavy sweating muscle pain low blood pressure paleness cold hands or feet feeling hot, feeling cold fatigue influenza like...
No too far in feel from releases inspired by the machines that started the craze, they pack in even more spine-tingling excitement withbonus features. ParaCrawl Corpus Nothing beats the feeling after you have dipped into refreshing, clear water, which makes your bodytingle withjoy andexcitement,...
8.Feeling his spider-sensetingleagain, Peter turned and saw the man with the tentacles approaching once more. 蜘蛛感应又传来刺痛感,彼得转身看去,只见触手男再次逼近。 「蜘蛛侠:英雄无归」评价该例句:好评差评指正 TED-Ed(视频版) 9.Some jellyfish stings barelytingle, but others cause severe skin ...
10.Tingleblessing, the new home in the well-being. 祝福叮叮,在新家幸福。 youdao 11. What about that littletingleor feeling of human nature? 对人性的感知会是怎样呢? youdao 12. You can use it on healthy lips for a little pepperminttingle. ...
capture the feeling of actually standing on top of a fell gazing at the vast wilderness all around you… now that can sendatingledownthe spine. visitfinland.com visitfinland.com 就正如您站在浩荡无际的荒原高处,极目苍茫的感觉,非笔墨能够形容,但那份激动,却实在地冲击每个毛孔。
1. V-I When a part of your body tingles, you have a slight stinging feeling there. 略感刺痛 The backs of his thighs tingled. 他的两条大腿后侧略感刺痛。 2. tinglingN-UNCOUNT 略微的刺痛感 Its effects on the nervous system include weakness, paralysis, and tingling in the hands and feet...