Tinder诈骗王 The Tinder Swindler 导演:菲丽希缇·莫里斯 主演:Kristoffer Kumar/Cecilie Fjellhøy/Pernilla Sjöholm/Ayleen Charlotte/Erlend Ofte Arntsen/更多... 类型:纪录片/犯罪 制片国家/地区:英国 语言:英语 / 挪威语 上映日期:2022-02-02(美国网络)...
It's like Marilyn Monroe in the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. 然后她引用了这句话 她说) And then she has this quote where she says... 你难道不知道男人有钱 就像女人漂亮一样吗 Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? 你可能不会因为一个女孩漂亮就娶她...
In aninterviewwithInside Editionearlier this year, Simon said, "I amnot a Tinder Swindler." He added, "They present it as a documentary but in truth, it's like a complete made-up movie." Simon, who was joined by his girlfriend in the interview, added, "I'm the biggest gentleman ...
講述交友詐騙的英國紀錄電影《Tinder大騙徒》,因其警世駭俗、峰迴路轉的真實情節,縱使電影類型是較不受多數影迷青睞的紀錄片,仍能在上映後的數周,繳出難以想像的觀看時數成績。父親是鑽石大亨、身為家族企業執行長的Simon Leviev,利用知名交友軟體「Tinder」,以其多金瀟灑的形象,擄獲了許多求愛少女的心,但這些少女,...