Tina Karol + Dan Balan (BGM Hold on)是【乌克兰好声音】导师Tina Karol 和 Dan Balan 的甜蜜合唱 + 搬运油管有爱互动剪辑 【自译歌曲中字】的第4集视频,该合集共计8集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
#DanBalan# #TinaKarol# 乌克兰好声音决赛上合唱新歌Pomnish(你还记得吗)~~因为疫情,决赛仓促改成半线上形式,合唱地点挪到了Tina家的阁楼(她卧室)这首歌是Dan专门为Tina写的,四天收获了500w+播放量,这下Tina绝不会放过他的,可以期待后面MV了O【乌克兰好声音】Tina Karol & Dan Balan 浪... ...
In 2019, journalists started talking about Tina Karol’s romance with singer Dan Balan . The relationship began while working together on the show “Voice of Ukraine”. According to the performer, Dan was the first to take the initiative, starting to shower her with flowers and gifts, which ...