Optimising the gate stack for low R G is crucial as huge R G in the current technology is the key parameter responsible for the low f MAX obtained. This work can also be considered as the first ever experimental device measured suitable to be used for the Low STand-by Power (LSTP)-...
Solid-State Electronics High frequency performance of sub-100 nm UTB-FDSOI featuring TiN / HfO 2 gate stackChuan, TaoRozeau, OlivierBuj, ChristelPaccaud, MichelLepilliet, SylvieDambrine, GillesDanneville, François
家后面市场里的馒头摊,做的山东大馒头非常地道,饱满结实,有浓烈的麦香。 每天下午四点,馒头开笼的时间,闻名而来的人就会在馒头摊前排队,等候着山东老乡把蒸笼掀开。 掀开馒头的那一刻最感人,白色的烟雾阵阵浮出,馒头——或者说是麦子——的香味就随烟四溢了。 差不多不到半小时的时间,不管是...