Banking, Business, Governmenttaxpayer identification number. tin, +n. [Squash.]telltale (def. 8). Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: tin /tɪn/ n a metallic element, occurring in cassiterite, that has several allotropes; the ordinary malleable silvery-white ...
Related GuideBookkeeping: Definition, Importance, Types and Tasks How To Get Your Singapore Tax Identification Number After understanding what a TIN is, its various types, and their formats, the next question is, naturally, how does one obtain it? The process of obtaining a TIN in Singapore va...
With respect to the Inventory, Borrower represents and warrants to Lender: (1) All Inventory represented by Borrower to be Eligible Inventory for purposes of this Agreement conforms to the requirements of the definition of Eligible Inventory; (2) All Inventory values listed on schedule delivered to...
由香港上海汇丰银行有限公司 翻译 Translated by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited W-8BEN-E-美国预提税及申报实益拥有人身分证明(实体) F. 第二十九部分 被动非金融外国实体的实质美国拥有人(如第二十六部分已填写或于适用时,才需填写此 部分.) 请提供每名被动非金融外国实体的实质美国拥有人...
The splash made by the Apple 1 computer would have been a mere footnote in computing history if it had not been followed by the incredibly successful Apple II. This $1298 machine set the benchmark for serious home and office use in the late 1970s. It could accommodate a very respectable ...