Timurid dynasty, dynasty of Turkic-Mongol origin descended from the conqueror Timur (Tamerlane). The period of Timurid rule, centered in Herat, was renowned for its brilliant revival of artistic and intellectual life in Iran and Central Asia. Its rule in
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Timurids a dynasty that ruled in Maveraun-Nahr, Khwarizm, Khorasan, and other territories from 1370...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Timur (redirected fromTimur the Lame) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Timur the Lame:Mehmed II (tiːˈmʊə)or Timour n (Biography) SeeTamerlane Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
Who is Timur? "The Capture of Bayezid by Timur", 1878 Stanislav Khlebovsky Timur, or Tamerlane (1336-1405), was a Central Asian ruler and founder of the Timurid dynasty. He started as a warrior who gathered his own party; then he became a significant commander and took an important go...
SAMARKAND – The ultimate Silk Road city, set at an unrivalled Eurasian trade crossroads, is the ideal spot from which to examine where the New Silk Roads adventure is heading next. For starters, the upcoming summit of heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will take ...
In this research the writer specify the hypothesis, that is Anticipated a motivation consisted by the factor of motivator and factor hygiene have an effect on by significan to satisfaction work the employees part of field of PT. Real Dynasty Flower of Jatim Park Stone. and anticipated by ...
(theIl-Khan dynasty), order was reestablished throughout Iran, and cities in northeastern Iran, especiallyTabrīzandSolṭānīyeh, became the main creative centres of the new Mongol regime. At Tabrīz, for example, theRashīdīyeh (a sort of academy of sciences and arts to which books, ...
Timur Empire last Kubla Khan, Timur V Babur defeated sun fled to India today, and created the Mughal Dynasty there. Beginning Timur (Timur), birth and death 1336~1405, Tamerlane is a Western name, actually his nickname "lame" to melt into Timur The. Timur was born in the Western ...
During the last decades of the 4th centuryce, a new, powerful empire emerged in Mongolia, the political heartland ofCentral Asia. TheJuan-juan(Rouran) had stepped into the place vacated by the Xiongnu. Chinese descriptions barely distinguish them from their predecessors. Their history is an inc...
Timur, also called Timur the Lame and Tamerlane, Turkic conqueror, chiefly remembered for the barbarity of his conquests from India and Russia to the Mediterranean Sea and for the cultural achievements of his dynasty. Learn more about Timur’s life and c