The timsTOF Pro with PASEF technology delivers revolutionary improvements in scan speed, coupled with enhanced specificity and high sensitivity. It does so while simultaneously maintaining ultra-high resolution for both precursors and MS/MS spectra. This unique performance quintet gives scientists the tools...
在本研究中,timsTOF Pro更是展示了探索单细胞蛋白质组学的能力,在DIA扫描模式下,利用DIA-NN(MBR算法)进行library-free数据检索,可在A549、HeLa和U2OS三种细胞的单细胞样本中,分别平均定量到3008、2926和2259种蛋白质,展现了PiSPA平台在单细胞蛋白组定量分析中的覆盖深度;此外,有2869、2772和1889种蛋白质在至少80%...
在 LC-MS/MS分析中, dia-PASEF 能够采集包含 m/z,离子淌度值( CCS ),保留时间和离子强度的 4D 数据。前所未有的蛋白质覆盖深度凭借强大的 SRIG( 不锈钢堆叠环形离子向导 )装置和新优化的 dda-PASEF 方法 ,timsTOF Pro 2 单针能够达到前所未有的蛋白组学覆盖深度。使用自制 HEK 酶切样本, 上样 200 ng,...
The timsTOF Pro 2, powered by PASEF® technology, paves the way to 4D-Proteomics and 4D-Lipidomics.
【二手仪器】布鲁克 TimsTOF pro 2 捕集离子淌度质谱 布鲁克品牌 北京携测技术有限公司 1年 查看详情 ¥8700.00/台 广东深圳 二手回收BRUKER布鲁克timsTOF PRO质谱仪nanoElute 全自动 布鲁克品牌 深圳市光明区浩瀚自动化工控设备经营部 3年 查看详情 ¥380.50万/台 上海 布鲁克 Bruker timsTOF Pro 高分辨捕集离子...
Deconvolution of the Orbitrap MS data was done in Freestyle 1.5 using Xtract, setting the charge range from 5 to 50 and the minimum number of detected charges to 3. The MS/MS data was also deconvoluted using Xtract. The deconvoluted fragments were analyzed using ProSight Lite v1.4 (...
The timsTOF fleX is a high performance UHR-OTOF system with integrated dual ESI/MALDI source, exhibiting high speed and robust MALDI Imaging. The additional trapped ion mobility feature adds another separation dimension to unravel complex data and make annotations in MALDI Images more reliable through...
高质量分辨率无助于这些问题的解决,timsTOF fleX 提供了唯一的机会来区分同分异构体的分布。碰撞横截面( CCS )是 TIMS 给出的测量结果,提供了从另一角度来验证质谱分析结果。CCS 关联软件智能地将空间 MALDI-TIMS 成像数据与多组学结果相匹配,并使鉴定结果与重要的形态学内容相关联。
timsTOF fleX 建立在布鲁克开创性 timsTOF Pro 平台上,功能齐全、速度快、灵敏度高的 ESI 质谱,可用于所有 X-Omics 分析。结合了高空间分辨率的 MALDI 源和平台机械专业设计,用于解析分子分布和带来组学分析的空间维度。将蛋白质组学分析转换为空间蛋白质组学,将脂质组学转换为空间脂质组学,将代谢组学转换为空间代谢...
ANAHEIM, California– June 3rd, 2024 – At the 72nd ASMS meeting, Bruker Corporation (Nasdaq: BRKR) launches the new top-of-the-line timsTOF Ultra 2 system with significantly further enhanced sensitivity for deep profiling of small cells, ...