Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) is integrated with TIMS to add user-provided traffic data and initiate incident response. TIMS stakeholders including Tollway management and staff from ITS and Roadway Maintenance, Construction Management, Traffic Operations, Toll Security, the Illinois State Police, and ...
TIMSTraffic and Incident Management System(various locations) TIMSThermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry TIMSThe Institute of Management Sciences TIMSTransportation Information Management System TIMSThermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner TIMSThe International Molinological Society ...
The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (the Tollway) deployed the Traffic and Incident Management System (TIMS) in 2002 to more effectively manage traffic and incidents on the Tollway system. The primary goal of TIMS is to provide an optimum level of service to Tollway customers by increasing...