提摩太后书 1:1-2奉神旨意,照着在基督耶稣里生命的应许,作基督耶稣使徒的保罗,写信给我亲爱的儿子提摩太:愿恩惠、怜悯、平安从父神和我们主基督耶稣归与你。 保罗是在罗马的监狱里写的这封信,也许在写了歌罗西书后不久,在同一次坐监的时候,因为他在两封信里提到很多同样的人。作为他的引言的特征,他说明他作...
提摩太後書 1:1-2奉神旨意,照著在基督耶穌裏生命的應許,作基督耶穌使徒的保羅,寫信給我親愛的兒子提摩太:愿恩惠、憐憫、平安從父神和我們主基督耶穌歸與你。 雖然提摩太不是由保羅引到基督的,因為他第一次在路司得與提摩太相遇時,他已經是門徒了,但保羅從帶徒弟的意義上講,待他就像兒子一樣。從模仿的意義上講...
第1-2節 保羅囑咐提摩太對待少年人如同弟兄,而不是如同兒子或小孩。可是保羅時常把年青的基督徒,甚至提摩太,稱作他的孩子(【歌林多前書 4:14】; 【提摩太前書 1:2】)。我猜想提摩太當時可能很年青,保羅擔心如果提摩太待青年男女如同孩子的話,會有過多的優越感。但牧師們應該認真地考慮一下在他們對待他們的牧會...
Irving L. Jensen
Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter for the sexually immoralThis phrase addresses those who engage in sexual activities outside the boundaries set by biblical teachings. In the context of the early church, sexual immorality was a significant issue, as many converts came from pagan backgrounds where such...
PLUSDo your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade toBible Gateway Plusand get the best value in digital Bible study. All Study Bibles Encyclopedias Commentaries Dictionaries Bible Studies Overview...
Study Bible Book ◦ Chapter in case I am delayedPaul writes to Timothy with the possibility of being delayed, indicating the importance of the instructions he is providing. This reflects the urgency and necessity of establishing order and sound doctrine in the early church. The apostle's ...
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Free E-mail Bible StudyApostle Peter: Disciple Lessons from the Rock Tabitha or Dorcas was a disciple in Joppa "who was always doing good and helping the poor" (Acts 9:36). She is the kind of widow Paul wants others to emulate. 'Tabitha' stained glass window, St. John's, Ainsdale,...
The BSS starts with the foundational principle that the best resource for financial freedom is the Bible. In BSS, you will find answers to many of the common questions on Christian stewardship. For example: Why Is money so important to God? How can I afford to buy a home? What are my...