Timothée Chalamet 最近提出新作《Dune: Part Two》(沙丘瀚戰:第二章/台譯:沙丘:第二部)回歸,並去到韓國首爾作宣傳,跟女主角 Zendaya 一起登上了節目《劉 Quiz on the Block》,與兩位主持人一起暢談,製造了不少話題。 節目中,Timothée Chalamet 就介紹到原來爸爸也有隨他一起到首爾,他爸爸不但有著同樣帥氣...
萌萌哒甜茶 call me by your name 深度专访 | 提默西查拉梅 | Timothée Chalamet 33:13 软萌甜茶专访|小妇人|提摩西查拉梅|timothee chalamet 03:16 甜茶赞达亚DUNE沙丘卡司最新深度专访 | Zendaya, Timothée Chalamet, Florence Pugh... 21:16 甜茶赞达亚DUNE沙丘卡司最新鸡毛秀玩”真的假的“ | Timothee Chalamet...
【中英最新】甜茶深度演绎Bob Dylan新片'无名小辈' | 提莫西查拉梅 Timothee Chalamet 50:56 【中英最新】甜茶赞达亚奥斯汀DUNE沙丘主创最新动态 | Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Austin Butler & Denis 28:42 【Timothée Chalamet】甜茶跟Austin试吃美国和英国零食【中英熟肉】看看谁能夺得卫冕零食冠军的最终头衔 大扣...
Zendaya和Timothee Chalamet 12日巴黎 电影Dune: Part Two首映 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ3 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 179关注 39.7万粉丝 94768微博 微关系 她的关注(185) 微博反垃圾 Mia就是Moria Womier 当事人陆女...
延伸閱讀:史詩續作即將上映:搶先預覽《Dune 沙丘:第二部》10+ 關鍵角色! #出身於文藝家庭 在Instagram 查看這則貼文 Timothée Chalamet(@tchalamet)分享的貼文 「甜茶」的爸爸馬克夏勒梅( Marc Chalamet )是位法國人,曾在聯合國擔任作家和編輯。媽媽妮科爾·弗倫德( Nicole Flender )是前百老匯演員兼歌手。
Forgetting Something, Timothée?TheDunestar made a fashion statement with a lack thereof. ByEmilia Petrarca hmmmmOct. 25, 2021 I Have One Question forDuneWhere the hell is Zendaya? ByKatja Vujić Oct. 22, 2021 All the Zendaya and Timothée ChalametDuneRed Carpet LooksA roundup of Z & T’...
Zendaya After working together on 2021’sDuneand its subsequent sequel, the pair became quick friends. Chalamet even refers to theEuphoriaactress as part of his family. “She’s really become a sister. I’m so grateful to count her as a partner and a sister and a friend,” Chala...
Dune 5/ 預告片重點 《DUNE 沙丘瀚戰》早前釋出一支逾3分多鐘的預告片,讓大家一窺神秘的沙漠美景,也感受到 Timothée Chalamet 的演技爆發力。影片一開始便從神秘女子 Chani (Zendaya飾)的角度講述她面臨的危險,而她亦出現在Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet飾)的夢中,她將深深地影響他的成王歷程。其後,神秘...
Watch the action-packed trailer for "Dune," starring Zendaya and Timothee Chalamet, from director Denis Villeneuve.
Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya are steaming up the sandy terrain in “Dune: Part Two.” Chalamet returns as Paul Atreides, who is suffering from PTSD after being at war in the previous film and seeing his father killed. His new romance with Zendaya’s Chani grounds him as he prepares to...