“Every watch has a soul and a story to be told, and this initiative will help keep our planet ticking,” said Shari Fabiani, senior vice president of brand and creative at Timex Group. “Circularity is about maintaining value and not creating waste in the process. Every year, 2 billion ...
天美时女款时装腕表,直邮白菜价~简洁明了的天美时Weekender女士腕表,采用生机盎然的绿色及典雅的银色调搭配,体现了整体的休闲风格,石英机芯,尼龙表带,带有夜光功能。表径31毫米,厚度8毫米。防水30M。比较便宜简单,适合随便带带。 美国亚马逊目前售价27.47美元,可用码JWLWATCH,实付21.98美元,并且可直邮中国,运费2.98美元,...
Kelsey Mulvey