// 将timeticks值转换为秒longtimeticks=12345678;// 假设获取到的timeticks值为12345678longseconds=timeticks/100;// 将timeticks值转换为秒System.out.println("Time in seconds: "+seconds); 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 类图 SNMPManager+getTimeticksValue() : long+convertTimeticksToSeconds(long timeticks) : long ...
while monitoring some cisco switchs with the snmp plugin, I had theuptime in Timeticks format,which, I found needs to be devided by 100 to translate it to seconds,and even if I see the thesupport for the Timeticks was added to collectd since v4.1.2, I can'tfind how to configure it...