其中的日期时间类型包括Timestamp with time zone, Timestamp without time zone,Date,Time with time zone , Time without time zone五种。Interval类型就是Interval。 KingbaseES扩展了Date数据类型,在兼容oracle模式时date的值是“年月日时分秒”与oracle一致,在pg模式下则为“年月日”。 一、日期时间类型 Date ...
time: 表示时间(时:分:秒) timestamp: 表示日期和时间(年-月-日 时:分:秒),有时区(timestamp with time zone)和无时区(timestamp without time zone)之分 interval: 表示时间间隔 三、日期和时间函数 提取日期或时间的特定部分 EXTRACT(field FROM source): 从日期/时间值中提取特定部分(如年、月、日等)...
同时也要注意time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ]和time [ (p) ] with time zone类型,无时区存储大小为8字节,有时区存储大小为12字节. postgresql中日期时间类型缩写: timestamp timestamptz date (仅年月日部份,存储大小为4字节) time timetz interval(表示间隔,存储大小为16字节) interval可以通过函数mak...
同时也要注意time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ]和time [ (p) ] with time zone类型,无时区存储大小为8字节,有时区存储大小为12字节. postgresql中日期时间类型缩写: timestamp timestamptz date (仅年月日部份,存储大小为4字节) time timetz interval(表示间隔,存储大小为16字节) interval可以通过函数mak...
First we have the bare bones of the PostgreSQL Interval, Date and Timestamp Data types. Here are the questions: What types are they? And what options do they have? What postgresql.conf variables affect date and time i/o?
timestamp with time zone诉timestamp without time zone:我知道,timestamptz与时间戳相同,而不是时区+(时区差),后者是在数据库中保存值时添加的也就是说,在数据库中,当存储时,它们都是不可区分的。比如说,我决定只使用timestamp without time zone,即使在推荐timestamp with time zone的情况下也是如此。我的...
|timestamp with time zone|, /|step|/ |interval| ) produces results depending on the timezone value set: That's intentional. If you don't want it, maybe you should be using generate_series on timestamp without time zone? regards, tom lane ...
The PostgreSQL “TIMESTAMP” or “TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE” data type stores a timestamp value without the time zone information. In Postgres, the TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPTZ data types are similar; the only difference is that one includes the time zone information while the other doesn’t...
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH 6字节 表示年到月的时间间隔。 -178000000 年 178000000 年 1微秒 重要 SQL 要求只写timestamp等效于timestamp without time zone,并且本数据库鼓励这种行为。timestamptz被接受为timestamp with time zone的一种简写,这是一种本数据库的扩展。 time、timestamp和interval接受一个可选的精度...
TIMESTAMP,TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE TIMESTAMPTZ,TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE Syntax You can express a constant value of typeTIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMPTZusing aninterpreted literal, or a string literalannotated withtypeTIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMPTZorcoerced totypeTIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMPTZ. When it is unambiguous, a simp...