SQL> select column_name,data_type,data_length,data_precision,data_scale from user_tab_cols where table_name='T'; timestamp(6), timestamp(9) 都会占用11个bytes,date占7个bytes,所以精度只要求到秒的,date类型就可以,比timestamp类型节省空间。 另外oracle可以为date类型或timestamp类型指定默认值 sysdat...
Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE The Oracle TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type extends TIMESTAMP data type to include time zone information. This is very useful if a single table is to have date/time information stored in it from different time zones. Specify a column using TIMESTAMP([seconds...
Oracle TIMESTAMP Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn about the Oracle TIMESTAMP data type and how to handle TIMESTAMP data effectively in the Oracle Database. Introduction to Oracle TIMESTAMP data type The TIMESTAMP data type allows you to store date and time data including year, month...
System.ValueType Oracle.DataAccess.Types.OracleTimeStamp Declaration // C#public struct OracleTimeStamp : IComparable, INullable, IXmlSerializable Requirements Thread Safety All public static methods are thread-safe, although instance methods do not guarantee thread safety. ...
DATE存储日期、时间,没有时区,精确到秒,是 9i 之前唯一的 datetime datatype。 TIMESTAMP [(precision)] 除了最多精确到 billionth of a second,其他和 DATE 一样。 TIMESTAMP [(precision)] WITH TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP 的基础上,保存时区信息。在内部存储时,Oracle 将时间转换为 UTC 格式进行保存,比如:2002-...
TheTIMESTAMPclass provides conversions between the Oracle Date (ldx_t) data type and Java classesjava.sql.Date,java.sql.Time,java.sql.Timestamp The internal data for this object is stored as a eleven byte array in the super class' storage area. The bytes are arranged as follows: ...
DATE 数据类型支持使用 Oracle DATE 数据类型的应用程序并期望 DATE 值包括时间信息(例如,“2009-04-01-09.43.05”)。 启用 在创建需要“将 DATE 作为 TIMESTAMP(0)”支持的数据库之前,在数据库级别启用该支持。 要启用此支持,请将DB2_COMPATIBILITY_VECTOR注册表变量设置为十六进制值 0x40(位位置 7),停止然后...
Oracle date/time types In Oracle, thedateformat and thetime zonefeatures include multiple data types, including:DATE,TIMESTAMP,TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONEandTIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. TheTIMESTAMPdata type is an extension of theDATEtype. ...
If you are upgrading Oracle-based Content Platform Engine data, the auto-upgrade converts the Content Engine DateTime property columns from the Oracle DATE data type to the Oracle TIMESTAMP data type. However, if there is a function-based index that invo
java.sql.Timestamp JDBC metadata type (java.sql.Types) TIMESTAMP Dates, times, and timestamps cannot be mixed with one another in expressions. Derbysupports the following formats for TIMESTAMP: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.nnnnnn] yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss[.nnnnnn] ...