/* Configure the SysTick IRQ priority */ if (TickPriority < (1UL << __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) { HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, TickPriority, 0U); uwTickPrio = TickPriority; } else { return HAL_ERROR; } /* Return function status */ return HAL_OK; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7....
java运行之后只能一个浏览器只能登一个 一个java程序只能有一个main 事情的全部起因来自于《深入理解JVM》第367页的一个程序public class VolatileTest { public static volatile int race = 0; public static void increase(){ race++; } private static final int THREADS_COUNT java JVM System jButton只能显...
table_add duration_table update_start_ts0=> (1.只有第一次能匹配上这个流表,然后执行存储初始时间的操作) mafia-sdn/p4demos/demos/1-openflow/1.1-statistics/p4src/includes/counters.p4 #defineTABLE_INDEX_WIDTH3// Number of bits to index the duration register#defineN_FLOWS_ENTRIES8// Number of ...
block_count +=1024; NPT_System::GetCurrentTimeStamp(after); elapsed = after.ToSeconds()-before.ToSeconds(); }while(elapsed <10.0f); NPT_Console::OutputF("AES: %d blocks in 10 seconds: %f MB/s\n", block_count, ((block_count*16.0f)/1000000.0f)/elapsed);deletedata;return0; } 开发...
D3D12 - DXIL Wave Op 測試 - WavePrefixCountBits 指示 D3D12 - DXIL Wave Op 測試 - WavePrefixProduct 指示 D3D12 - DXIL Wave Op 測試 - WavePrefixSum 指示 D3D12 - DXIL Wave Op 測試 - WavePrefixUProduct 指示 D3D12 - DXIL Wave Op 測試 - WavePrefixUSum 指示 D3D12 - 偵錯層 GBV - ...
The number of DDATs is the count of DDATs specified for this instruction template. The maximum number of DDATs that can be specified is 3. The DDAT offset is the number of bytes from the start of the DDAT list to the start of the specific DDAT. There should be as many DDAT offset...
The number of DDATs is the count of DDATs specified for this instruction template. The maximum number of DDATs that can be specified is 3. The DDAT offset is the number of bytes from the start of the DDAT list to the start of the specific DDAT. There should be as many DDAT offset...
A bit-value type. M indicates the number of bits per value, from 1 to 64. The default is 1 if M is omitted. TINYINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] A very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned range is 0 to 255. ...
}elseif(count <0) { TRACE_((THIS_FILE,"os_epoll_wait error"));return-pj_get_netos_error(); }pj_get_timestamp(&t2); TRACE_((THIS_FILE,"os_epoll_wait returns %d, time=%d usec", count, pj_elapsed_usec(&t1, &t2)));/* Lock ioqueue. */pj_lock_acquire(ioqueue->lock);for(...
If the loop_period is 25 ms (25000 us) and counter_unit is 1 us then the width required for the timestamp field is 15.6 or 16 bits. The computation increase is significant. The background filling method requires no more than an addition or subtraction on the token count field. The time...