安装 Timeshift 的方法因 Linux 发行版而异。例如,在 Ubuntu 和其衍生版(如 Linux Mint)上,可以通过添加 PPA 或使用 apt 命令来安装。在 Arch Linux 上,可以通过 AUR 助手(如 yay)来安装。而在 Fedora 及其衍生版上,则可以直接使用 dnf 命令安装。使用 Timeshift 进行备份时,用户可以选择备份的存储位...
Archlinux 出现Failed to start Remount Root and Kenal File System 这些问题是由于恢复快照后,已有的磁盘UUID标志已经改变,导致找不到挂载的地方 解决Archlinux 引导失败问题 1、输入命令查看UUID 代码语言:javascript 复制 sudo lsblk-f 2、修改UUID 代码语言:javascript 复制 sudo nano/etc/fstab 修改后输入Ctrl+X...
If Timeshft is not installed, you can install it like below. Install Timeshift in Arch Linux Timeshift is available in AUR, so you can install it using any AUR helper tools such asParuorYaylike below: $ paru -S timeshift Or, $ yay -S timeshift If you don't have any AUR helper ...
Timeshift is not making scheduled snapshots, I set it to make daily snapshots and it does not do them, I checked /etc/cron.d/ and all I found was "timeshift-hourly" I tried "crontab -l" and it just said that this user has no crontab. I have cronie installed (arch linux) is the...