另一种方法是关闭并重新打开 psql 会话,重新连接到 PostgreSQL 数据库。你可以使用以下命令进行连接:在 psql 环境中,可以使用 \r 命令来重新设置输入缓冲区,清除之前的错误语句:3. 检查 PostgreSQL 配置和环境 除了检查之前的 SQL 语句,你还需要确保 PostgreSQL 的配置和环境是正确的。SHOW shared_preload_libra...
apt install timescaledb-toolkit-postgresql-16 Connect to the database where you want to use Toolkit. Create the Toolkit extension in the database: CREATEEXTENSION timescaledb_toolkit; These instructions use thebrewpackage manager. For more information on installing or using Homebrew, seethebrewhomepa...
local all postgres peer #peer方式允许管理员账号通过socket连接,用-h指定socket目录,(default: "/var/run/postgresql")TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all peer IPv4 local connections:host all all md5 host al...
TimescaleDB 1.7.4 发布了。TimescaleDB 是基于 PostgreSQL 开发的一款时序数据库,以插件化的形式打包提供,随着 PostgreSQL 的版本升级而升级,不会因为另立分支带来麻烦。TimescaleDB 具有以下特点 1. 基于时序优化 2. 自动分片(自动按时间、空间分片(chunk))3. 全 SQL 接口 4. 支持垂直于横向扩展 5. 支...
如果您的实例大版本为PostgreSQL 14,在20230330内核小版本前已使用了TimescaleDB插件(插件版本小于等于2.5.0),在不升级内核小版本时,不影响使用,在升级内核小版本到20230330或以上版本后,必须手动执行ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb UPDATE;命令进行插件的手动升级后,才能继续使用。 如果您的实例大版本为PostgreSQL 15、13...
一、postgresql-13安装 首先安装存储库:[root@truck3 ~]# yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm 2.安装postgresql:[root@truck3 ~]# yum install -y postgresql13-server 3.初始化数据库:[root@truck3 ~]# /...
Full PostgreSQL 17 support for all existing features. TimescaleDB v2.17 is available for PostgreSQL 14, 15, 16, and 17. Significant performance improvements for continuous aggregate policies: Continuous aggregate refresh is now usingmergeinstead of deleting old materialized data and re-inserting. This...
TimescaleDB is an open-source database designed to make SQL scalable for time-series data. It is engineered up from PostgreSQL and packaged as a PostgreSQL extension, providing automatic partitioning across time and space (partitioning key), as well as full SQL support. If you prefer not to ...
PostgreSQL Ruby Misha Merkushin Backend Engineer Travis Turner Tech Editor Imagine you’re working on a project for an advertising platform, and you’ve been tasked with implementing a reporting service which will perform an analysis on each client’s active ad over a certain period of time. To...
Dating back to 2017, Telegraf has had numerous user requests for PostgreSQL compatibility. But why are people looking into using Telegraf with PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB? TimescaleDB is the only time-series database that supports full SQL TimescaleDB leverages PostgreSQL to offer a highly ...