The meaning of TIMES TABLE is a list that shows the results of multiplying certain numbers (such as 1 through 12) by each other.
multiplication table n (Mathematics) one of a group of tables giving the results of multiplying two numbers together Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
times table中,times作为名词表示“倍数,乘法”,同样的,作为动词,times还有“乘以”的意思,比如下面这两个例句: 例句 1. Force equals mass times acceleration. 力等于质量乘以加速度。 2. Five times two is ten. 五乘以二等于十。 03 英国和中国的小学生乘法口诀表一样吗? 英国小学生学习的乘法口诀表,规定...
multiplied by:two times four. [1350–1400] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. times (C-, D-, M-days end at 2400 hours Universal Time (Zulu time) and are assumed to be...
three times table.→tableExamples from the Corpustimes table•She knew hertimes tablesand herCatechism.•ForPeter,puzzlesare greatfun; he likes to learn suchdetailsasstatecapitalsand thetimes tables.•Iexpecttorecycleour work on thetimes tables.•And I don't really know my TwoTimes Table....
Always Remember Your Times Table (6 to 10) Using Finger Multiplication 3164 7 24:02 App 数学绘图 - The principles of painting with maths 45 -- 6:01 App 【maths】telling time 1 1275 -- 1:58:42 App KS1 Maths: Multiplication 英國小學一年級數學之乘法系列(更新至第六講) 82 1 14:32...
这就要提及times的一个生僻意思啦~Times:[taɪmz]n.时间,时代,倍数v.为……安排时间,乘以times table中,times作为名词表示“倍数,乘法”,同样的,作为动词,times还有“乘以”的意思,比如下面这两个例句:Force equals mass times acceleration....
Here you will find our selection of Printable Times Tables sheets for the 2 Times Table, which will help your child to learn their 2 times tables.
“时间表”用英语来说是"Time Table",而非"Times Table"。两者的差别在于一个字母“s”,这代表了完全不同的概念。“Time Table”指的是“时间表”,这在日常生活中随处可见,无论是学校课程安排、公共汽车时刻表、或是运动训练计划。它表示时间的序列与安排。而“Times Table”,特别是“...
times table• She knew her times tables and her Catechism.• For Peter, puzzles are great fun; he likes to learn such details as state capitals and the times tables.• I expect to recycle our work on the times tables.• And I don't really know my Two Times Table. times table...