My excessive dating has died down exponentially from last year since who needs such things when you can let a Weimaraner head butt you in the ovaries. Or a muzzled mutt try to pry his metal trap open between your legs and hammer-head your upper thighs til they’re a flank steak ready ...
San Francisco police did not respond to a request to identify the climber or state what he was charged with; however, a person named Maison DesChamps, who calls himself “Pro-Life Spiderman,” claimed to be the climber and posted a video of the climb on Instagram. He was reportedly issued...
Easy A A HIGH school retooling of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Easy A casts fille du jour Emma Stone (Spiderman’s new Mary Jane) … Fri Oct 22 2010 - 01:00 Vampires Suck A NOTE ON genealogy: Vampires Suck is the bastard spawn of the Scary Movie imprint, a franchise that has co...
Here’s the (in)famous passage from Chapter 1 of Paul’s Letter to the Romans: 20Ever since the creation of the world God’s eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse;21for though...