工学学科排名采用与2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名相同的可信且严格的绩效指标,但该排名的研究方法已重新调整以适合各个学科领域。 该排名突出显示了在以下学科领域中处于领先地位的大学,包括:通用工程、电气与电子工程、机械与航空航天工程、土木工程和化学工程。 今年的排名包括了1374所高校,多于去年的1306所。 点击...
理学排名采用与2024年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名相同的可信且严格的绩效指标,但该排名的研究方法已重新调整以适合各个学科领域。 该排名突出显示了在以下学科领域中处于领先地位的大学,包括:数学与数据、物理与天文学、化学、地质学、环境科学、以及地球与海洋科学。 今
软科世界大学学术排名(ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities,简称ARWU)于2003年由上海交通大学世界一流大学研究中心首次发布,是世界范围内首个综合性的全球大学排名。2009年开始,ARWU改由软科发布并保留所有权利。 具体评分细则为: a.获诺贝尔奖和菲尔兹奖的校友和教师数 b.在《自然》(Nature)和...
China's Tsinghua University became the first in Asia to make it into the top 20 of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, while the number of Chinese mainland universities ranked in the top 100 has doubled to six. The THE ranking had Tsinghua University tied with Duke ...
The research sample included the universities ranked via the five global ranking systems in 2020. All ISC WUR's indicators revealed significant and positive correlations with the total ranking scores of the universities. There was a significantly positive correlation between t...
University of Strathclyde (20) Based in Scotland’s second largest city, Glasgow, University of Strathclyde retains its UK top 20 ranking and further demonstrates the highly regarded reputation of Scotland as a study destination. Students enjoy a diverse community, the biggest ...
Meanwhile, the Shenzhen-based Southern University of Science and Technology has joined the ranking for the first time in the 301-350 band. THE said Chinese universities' rise is largely driven by improvements in citation impact. US universities continue to take the most places in the rankings. ...
The THE World University Rankings judge research-intensive universities across teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The ranking agency uses 13 performance indicators to provide comprehensive and balanced comparisons on more than 1,900 global research universities. ...
ThefollowingistheexcerptofPeople'sDailyOnline'swritteninterviewwithPhilBatyaftertherankingwasreleasedonDec. 5. PDOnline:HowdoyouseethedevelopmentinhighereducationofBRICScountries? PhilBaty:ChinaisverymuchaheadoftheotherBRICSwhenitcomestodevelopingworldclassuniversities.Itprioritisedsupportforleadinguniversitiesbackinth...
aMelbourne is currently ranked as Australia's best university by Times Higher Education, Academic Ranking of World Universities and National Taiwan University Rankings 墨尔本当前排列当澳洲的最佳的大学在Times高等教育以前,世界大学学术等第和国立台湾大学等第[translate]...