Get accurate Islamic Prayer times,the timetable for Prayer times on your location. Check the Islamic date today from Islamic calendar 2024, Hijri 1442 to Gregorian calendar
Do not miss a single prayer, accurately determine the direction to the Kaaba (Qibla) and plan your future prayers. - Namaz schedule The exact prayer timings whi…
Here are some of the features offered by the application. PRAYER TIMES: Get the Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha times for your city. Display time with 12 or…
Geographic Coordinates Of New York City, Bronx, USA Latitude:40.8448° N Longitude:73.8648° W Muslim Prayer Times NYC Bronx in USA Time Format:12-hour Asr Methods Standard:Shafii, Maliki, Jafari and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1) Hanafi:Hanafi school of tought (shadow factor = 2) NYC Bronx...
Prayer times Zhengzhou, China Prayer times and Azan China›Zhengzhou Saturday 13 Jumada II 1446 Hijri - 2024/12/14 Fajr 00:16:57 Fajr Remaining time 5:35:06 AM Local Time in Zhengzhou 5:52 AM Fajr 7:25 AM Sunrise 12:20 PM
Terms of Use: Újdonságok 2024. márc. 31. Verzió 10.5 非常感谢您选择 App! 我们一直在努力开发该应用程序,以使其对您来说更可靠、更快捷。 以下是为您提供的一些增强功能。
Method: Muslim World League Prayer times : SUBHSHURUQDUHRASRMAGHRIBISHA Sunday, December 1, 2024 05:54 07:56 12:01 13:48 16:06 18:01 Monday, December 2, 2024 05:55 07:57 12:02 13:47 16:05 18:01 Tuesday, December 3, 2024 05:56 07:59 12:02 13:47 16:05 18:00 Wednesday...
Muslim Prayer Times & Qibla Compass App does not intentionally or knowingly collect personal information through the Services from anyone under that age. We encourage parents and guardians to be involved in the online activities of their children to ensure that no personal information is ...
Salat, the daily ritual prayer enjoined upon all Muslims as one of the five Pillars of Islam. Though individual performance of salat is permissible and can be offered in any clean space at home or at work, collective worship in the mosque has special mer
world. Understanding the competitor's advertising channels is the first step in marketing work. According to the analysis of SocialPeta, we can see that in the date of 2021-03-15, Muslim Prayer Times, Azan, Quran&Qibla By Vmuslim's the proportion of networks impressions are placed like this...