The easiest way to check if a timer interrupt is working is to get the service routine to toggle a GPIO pin, and observe the pin with a scope. You are running your PIC with 16MHz clock, so executing instructions at 4MHz. With a 12us interrupt, that means you only have 48 instruction...
' In this example, Timer0 is configured as a timer and prescaler is assigned to it. unsigned cnt ' Define variable cnt sub procedure interrupt ' Interrupt routine cnt = cnt + 1 ' Interrupt causes cnt to be incremented by 1 TMR0 = 155 ' Timer0 (or counter) returns its initial value ...
handled by the Interrupt API. An interrupt routine is defined with ISR(). This macro register ...
// Clear WDT interrupt flag WDT_CLEAR_tiMEOUT_INT_FLAG();// Check WDT wake up flag if(WDT_...
avr-gcc main.c -o main.elf -Wall -Wextra .编译并链接到-mmcu=attiny85。如果缺少该选项,链接...
The IRQ service routine is at the end of my code. As I try to debug my code, I single step after line 103. Everything is fine, until I try to see the CTIMER0 registers. When the command in line 108 turns the clock ON, I immediately loose the connection between MCUXpresso and MCU...
1,298 Visit site Activity points 2,214 Hello guys. A simple routine to utilize interrupt of timer 0 every 444 uSec isnt working. Following is the code. Could anyone plz help with trouble shooting it as after hours of wasting time on it I couldnt find fault. ...
CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIE= 0;// Disable Timer0 interrupt CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TIE= 0;// Disable Timer1 interrupt CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.FREE= 0;// FREE bit - setting for timer0 to handle breakpoints in debug mode - free run = 0 ...
/*timer0 interrupt routine*/ static void timer0_interrupt(int irq , void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *reg) { if(irq !=irq_timer0){ printk("bad irq % d in timer0 \n", irq); return; } cli(); counter++; if(counter%2){ write_gpio_bit(gpio_mode_out | gpio_b0, 1); }else{ ...
1: get_irqnr_and_base r0, r6, r5, lr //获取irq中断号,存储到r0寄存器中,作为参数传递给asm_do_IRQ movne r1, sp @ @ routine called with r0 = irq number, r1 = struct pt_regs * @ adrne lr, 1b bne asm_do_IRQ ... //=== .align 5 __irq_svc...