The videos are always picked from channels I'm subscribed to anyway. I want them to get their slice of the money. You tube forgets that it wouldn't exist without its creators. Next it'll find a way to insert ads when you hit pause but all the ad revenue will go to YouTube. ...
We are a creative family and we all enjoy making simple videos,music,images and sounds effects We are all very artistic and love fantasy art,i hope you enjoy our creative minds Feel free to use our art as you please even on pixabay to help with your project if needed or to use on yo...
Timer-, Nedtelling-, Sekunder-videoer. Gratis å bruke. 17 kommentarer Samfunnet vil gjerne høre fra deg! Logg på eller registrer deg på Pixabay for å vise kommentarer Logg inn Bli med Pixabay Timer Nedtelling Sekunder Youtube Intro...
Airplane ModeAlways Keep Window on TopBarcode GeneratorBest Window Manager for MacBreak TimeClean Up Your Hard DriveClipboard HistoryDuplicate File FinderChange ResolutionDownload Audio from YouTubeDownload YouTube VideosFree Up MemoryHide Desktop IconsHide FilesLock a ScreenMake a GIFMute a MicrophoneRec...
It's funny how almost a decade ago I asked Google to implement volume normalization in Android and they told me to fook off only to implement it a decade later as "Stable Volume" and *only* in YouTube. At the same time I asked a similar feature only for videos, "Gamma control" to...
Taking photos with the self-timer When you use the self-timer, the
Taking photos with the self-timer When you use the self-timer, the
Capture your screen, create GIFs, and record videos through this versatile solution that includes various other amenities: an OCR scanner, image uploader, URL shortener, and much more 4k Video Downloader Export your favorite YouTube videos and playlists with this intuitive, lightweight program, built...
Locating countdown timer videos in YouTube Step 2: Copy URL for Countdown Timer Video To proceed, copy the URL of the video with the countdown timer. You can also copy the specific time duration for the timer video on websites like YouTube via theSharebutton. ...
Tristan, who you might recognise from a brief Monthly Roundup introduction as Shaska, joined us as our Videographer in August. I might be biased as his manager, but he’s been absolutely smashing it! If you haven’t already checked out our videos on YouTube, now’s the perfect time. ...