Productivity Timer is a free online timer tool to help ensure you're consistently productive throughout the day. It does this by helping you to focus on needed tasks for short periods of time. The tool is based on thePomodoro Techniquebut has a "settings" option where you can customize the...
"Gym Timer" is a timer tool app for doing exercises. Users can change the "group count", "gym time", "break time between groups" to config the timer. After timer starts, timer will make countdown sound when remaining 3 seconds, to notice users that the time stage will end and enter...
"Gym Timer" is a timer tool app for doing exercises. Users can change the "group count", "gym time", "break time between groups" to config the timer. After timer starts, timer will make countdown sound when remaining 3 seconds, to notice users that the time stage will end and enter...
1.Unity当中使用 //实例化计时类PETimerpt=newPETimer();//时间定时任务pt.AddTimeTask(TimerTask,500,PETimeUnit.Millisecond,3);//帧数定时任务pt.AddFrameTask(FrameTask,100,3);inttempID=pt.AddTimeTask((inttid)=>{Debug.Log("定时等待替换...");},1,PETimeUnit.Second,0);//定时任务替换pt.Repla...
App Store里从来不缺计时应用,当然时钟应用也不缺,而且苹果本身内置的定时功能和Siri结合得也很好,除此之外,在应用商店里各种各样名叫“XX Timer”或者不带“Timer”的计时应用让人目不暇接,比如Timer、Timer Bundle、Best Timer等等。现在,这个家族里又多了一个名叫...
TimerTool Little tool to get and set the windows system timer values. It uses the following WinAPI methods to retrieve and set the values: NtQueryTimerResolution NtSetTimerResolution TimeBeginPeriod TimeEndPeriod It can also set 0.5 ms as timer resolution. ...
UpTimer is the ultimate mobile app designed to help you make the most of your time, improve productivity, and build positive habits. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, UpTimer is your go-to tool for time recording and habit formation. Say goodbye to procrastination and hello ...
Days Calculator Calculate Weeks Between Two dates Add Days to a Given Date Calculate Hours Between Two dates Online Loan EMI Calculator Online BMI Calculator Word Counter Capitalization Tool Remove Whitespace Online Count Total Lines Find and Replace Tool ...
ToolStripStatusLabel-Steuerelement ToolTip-Komponente TrackBar-Steuerelement TreeView-Steuerelement WebBrowser-Steuerelement Steuerelemente in Windows Forms zum Auflisten von Optionen Entwickeln benutzerdefinierter Windows Forms-Steuerelemente mit .NET Framework Nach Funktionen gegliederte Windows Forms-Steuer...
ToolStripProgressBar 控制項 ToolStripStatusLabel 控制項 ToolTip 元件 TrackBar 控制項 TreeView 控制項 WebBrowser 控制項 用來列出選項的 Windows Form 控制項 使用.NET Framework 開發自訂的 Windows Forms 控制項 依函式列出 .NET Framework 中的 Windows Forms 控制項 在設計階段開發控制項 ...