Timer ResolutionFree Download for Windows Rate: (3 votes) Latest Version: 1.2 Author: Lucas Hale License: Free Size: (6.50 KB) Requirements: Windows (7/10/11) Advertisement Timer Resolution is a lightweight program for changing the default resolution of Windows and makes your gaming experience ...
TimerResolution - TimerResolution is an application to change the resolution of the default windows timer. The standard timer on Windows XP can vary between 10 and 25...
January 4th, 2023 -Free-100% Safe (1,016votes, average:3.97out of 5) free download6.5 KB Review Timer Resolutionlets you change your default Windows timer’s resolution in seconds and consequently improves the FPS for the games you are playing. ...
TimerResolution 1.2 free download. TimerResolution is an application to change the resolution of the default windows timer.
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Windows 8.1 and later versions of Windows continue to support the KeXxxTimer routines.The ExXxxTimer routines have all the important capabilities that are provided by the KeXxxTimer routines. In addition, the ExXxxTimer routines support two timer types, high-resolution timers and no-wake ti...
the resolution of the system clock, theTimerCallbackdelegate will execute at intervals defined by the resolution of the system clock, which is approximately 15 milliseconds on Windows 7 and Windows 8 systems. You can change the due time and period, or disable the timer, by using theChange...
Функция ExSetTimerResolution Функция ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware Функция ExSystemTimeToLocalTime функцияобратноговызова EXT_CALLBACK функцияобратноговызова EXT_DELETE_CALLBACK структура EXT_DELETE_...
Operating System: Win 7, 8, 10, 11 Free Hard Disk Space: MB of minimum free HDD Installed Memory: 1 GB of minimum RAM Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later Minimum Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 What is the latest version of CueTimer?