[Download] TimerResolution.zipVersion 1.2 for XP, Vista. and Windows 7 https://www.dbltap.com/posts/timer-resolution-fornite-how-to-change-it-and-does-it-work-01e29587p5yq https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/fdcdaf/thoughts_on_timer_resolution/ https://code.google.com/...
As the tool’s name suggests, it will enable you to set the resolution of the timer to another value. It is helpful when you want to alter the resolution to give you an advantage when playing games. It is especially visible in FPS games that you play online,such as Fortnite, where ev...
TimerResolution will measure time in shorter unit increments and this way you can obtain higher accuracy not only in Windows applications, but also on games such as Fortnite. If precision is what you're looking for, TimerResolution is the app that can improve your accuracy. ...
Set timer resolution for fortnite How to get good in Fortnite is undoubtedly the most frequently asked question for Fortnite players. Of course, everyone wants to get a good performance in-game. To help you achieve this goal, here are the steps one need to follow in order to increase FPS...