Example 1 - Set Timer2 module to raise the Timer2 interrupt every 65536 instruction cyclesMOVLW b'01111011' ; MOVWF T2CON ; Prescaler = 1:16 | Postscaler = 1:16 | Stop Timer2 BANK1 ; Go to BANK 1 MOVLW 0xFF ; MOVWF PR2 ; Set PR2 register to 0xFF BANK0 ; Go to BANK 0 BSF ...
HT8 MCU Timer Module (CTM / STM / PTM / ETM) 应用须知 文件编码:AN0434SC 简介 在产品开发中,与时间相关的控制和测量是常见的功能需求,HT8 MCU Timer Module (TM)提供通用计时、产生输出波形(如PWM 、单脉冲等输出)和测量输入信号脉冲宽度等功能,可满足此类应用需求。本文旨在介绍HT8 MCU TM 功能,并...
apply(Module, Function, Arguments)每隔一段时间重复评估一次Time。 返回{ok, TRef}或{error, Reason}。 cancel(TRef) -> {ok, cancel} | {error, Reason} 类型 取消先前请求的超时。TRef是由相关定时器功能返回的唯一定时器参考。 当TRef不是定时器引用时返回{ok, cancel}或{error, Reason} ...
Callback module for ct_telnet, for connecting to a telnet server on a unix host. compiler[application] compileErlang Compiler cosEvent[application] cosEventAppThe main module of the cosEvent application. CosEventChannelAdminThe CosEventChannelAdmin defines a set if event service interfaces that ...
在T2MOD將Timer 2的prescaler設為1/64並將Capture Auto-Clear致能,接著從CAPCON0把Input Capture Module 0打開,最後設定T2CON讓Timer 2以Auto-Reload Mode開始計時。另外CAPCON1和CAPCON3分別可以設定邊緣觸發斜率與捕捉的IO腳,我們用開機預設的負緣觸發、P1.2作為捕捉信號來源,就不再特別設定它們了。
static void module_load(void) //首次创建定时器加载 { struct itimerval curtimer; sig_save = signal(SIGALRM,alrm_handler); //注册信号处理函数 curtimer.it_interval.tv_sec =1; //创建定时器 curtimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; curtimer.it_value.tv_sec =1; ...
Timer/Counter0 (TC0) is a general-purpose 8-bit Timer/Counter module, with two independent Output Compare Units and PWM support. Back to top TC0 Registers The Timer/Counter 0 register (TCNT0) and Output Compare TC0x registers (OCR0x) are 8-bit registers. Interrupt request signals are ...
Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Arguments :: [term()], Time :: integer(), Value :: term(). tc(M, F, A) -> T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(), Val = apply(M, F, A), T2 = erlang:monotonic_time(), Time = erlang:convert_time_unit(T2 - T1, native, microsecond), ...
HT66Fx0 Timer Module 工作原理与使用注意事项 S/W流程图 以HT66F40 STM (TM2) 的定时器/计数器模式为范例的程序流程图。 主程序流程图 Start 设置 TM2C0、TM2C1 设置 TM2AH、TM2AL 中断使能: T2AE/MF0E/EMI PB2设置为输出 T2ON=1 等待中断 ...