// 设置超时时间为5000毫秒(即5秒) curl_easy_setopt(curl,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS,5000L); // 执行请求 res=curl_easy_perform(curl); // 处理返回结果 // 清理资源 curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return0; } 在上述示例中,使用curl_easy_setopt函数将CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS选项设置为5000L(即5秒)。你可以...
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT 在发起连接前等待的时间,如果设置为0,则无限等待 CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS 尝试连接等待的时间,以毫秒为单位。如果设置为0,则无限等待 CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS 在cURL 7.16.2中被加入。从PHP 5.2.3起可使用。 所以使用的时候请先查看libcurl版本 curl –version。 但是这个函数有个bug,如果...
If you want cURL to timeout in less than one second, you can use CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, although there is a bug/"feature" on "Unix-like systems" that causes libcurl to timeout immediately if the value is < 1000 ms with the error "cURL Error (28): Timeout was reached". The explanat...
注意:此值的配置需要在group.min.session.timeout.ms 和 group.max.session.timeout.ms 范围内。 heartbeat.interval.ms: The expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka's group management facilities. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer's session stays activ...
zookeeper CuratorFramework 获取sessionTimeoutMs 一、前言 前面分析了Zookeeper客户端的细节,接着继续学习Zookeeper中的一个非常重要的概念:会话。 二、会话 客户端与服务端之间任何交互操作都与会话息息相关,如临时节点的生命周期、客户端请求的顺序执行、Watcher通知机制等。Zookeeper的连接与会话就是客户端通过实例化...
session.timeout.ms是个"逻辑"指标,它指定了一个阈值—10秒,在这个阈值内如果coordinator未收到consumer的任何消息,那coordinator就认为consumer挂了。 而heartbeat.interval.ms是个 “物理” 指标,它告诉consumer要每3秒给coordinator发一个心跳包,heartbeat.interval.ms...
(3)is set. If bothCURLOPT_TIMEOUT(3)andCURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS(3)are set, the value set last will be used. Since this puts a hard limit for how long time a request is allowed to take, it has limited use in dynamic use cases with varying transfer times. You are then advised to ...
I have a topic named my_topic, I want to exit process that no data is put into the topic within ten seconds when consuming my_topic using kafka-python package, I can make consumer_timeout_ms = 10000, it works, code show as below: from ka...
('grpc.client_idle_timeout_ms', 10*1000) ] channel = grpc.insecure_channel("", grpc_channel_options) while True: try: stub = test_pb2_grpc.TestStub(channel) req = test_pb2.Req(msg="hello") rsp = stub.Echo(req, timeout=1) ...