在没有graceful shutdown这个feature之前,nginx proxy的worker重新启动,会给client和upstream发送FIN信号(TCP断开连接的过程)。如果client需要继续访问,就需要重新连接。 3,graceful shutdown & worker shutdown timeout 在有了graceful shutdown这个feature之后,worker并不是直接关掉的。而是让之前的连接继续保持在原来的wo...
waitingtime Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the graceful shutdown of the OS. Value range: 10 to 1800 Usage Guidelines The value0indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout period ...
@OverridepublicHttp2ConnectionHandlerBuildergracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis(longgracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis){returnsuper.gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis(gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis);} 代码来源:wildfly/wildfly NettyHttpToHttp2HandlerBuilder.gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis(...) @OverridepublicNettyHttpToHttp2HandlerBu...
Http2ConnectionHandler.gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis()方法的具体详情如下: 包路径:io.netty.handler.codec.http2.Http2ConnectionHandler 类名称:Http2ConnectionHandler 方法名:gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis Http2ConnectionHandler.gracefulShutdownTimeoutMillis介绍 [英]Get the amount of time (in milliseconds) this...
waitingtime Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the graceful shutdown of the OS. Value range: 10 to 1800 Usage Guidelines The value0indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout period ...
waitingtime Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the graceful shutdown of the OS. Value range: 10 to 1800 Usage Guidelines The value 0 indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout p...
The value 0 indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout period for the OS of the node in slot 1 to 700 seconds. root@SMM:/#smmset -l blade1 -d bmcsafepowerofftime -v 700 Success Function F...
waitingtime Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for the graceful shutdown of the OS. Value range: 10 to 1800 Usage Guidelines The value 0 indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout p...
The value 0 indicates that the graceful shutdown operations never time out. Example #Set the graceful shutdown timeout period for the OS of the node in slot 1 to 700 seconds. root@SMM:/#smmset -l blade1 -d bmcsafepowerofftime -v 700 Success Function F...