Ich habe seit heute das Problem, dass sich trotz aktiver TwitchApp im Vollbild der Bildschirm-timeout dazwischen haut und das Gerät Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ im Bildschirmschoner schaltet. Es wurden keine Einstellungen geändert, App wurde neugestartet und Cache gelerrt sowie das G...
With a whisk of its tail, and a twitch of an ear, From 2 to 1.5, the timeout did veer. Celebrate the swift, with a cheer so bright! 🎉 🌟✨🐇 Recent Review Details Thank you for using CodeRabbit. We offer it for free to the OSS community and would appreciate your support...
refactor: Migrate Twitch ban commands to their own file Remove unused comments pajlada added 2 commits November 4, 2023 11:56 refactor: Migrate Twitch ban commands to their own file 3286fef Remove unused comments 2817b7b pajlada added the no changelog entry needed label Nov 4, 2023 Membe...
pretty remarkably, and it has been about as powerful in the last 45 years as the previous 45 years. We are now in this sweet spot, which once again is up nicely so far. The logic and nuances are spelled out in Appendix 1. Suffice it to say that this positive influence may help to ...
Documentation Changelog Server Changelog Self-Hosted Runner Changelog Getting Started Build for Free What is CI? How to Get Started on CircleCI Migrate from Jenkins to CircleCI © 2025 Circle Internet Services, Inc. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Cookie Policy RSS LinkedIn GitHub X Twitch ...
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=a client id TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET=a client secret USE_NGROCK=False DEBUG_TWITCH_CALLS=True Here are callback links on my twitch app : https://vps.***.ovh:5002/twitch-callback/ https://vps.***.ovh:5002/api/v1/chat-bots/twitch-callback/ Thank you allActivity MajuTo...
I have rebooted server and client, removed and reinstalled the AS jar from both server and client, installed the Random Patches mod to increase the timeout to 90 seconds, exported my profile in the Twitch launcher with only the folders config, mods, journeymap, resourcepacks, and servers.dat...